Purchase of own shares to cover social security fees related to incentive program

STOCKHOLM - August 22, 2013. The Board of Directors of Karolinska Development
has decided – within the authorization from the Annual General Meeting on May
14, 2013 – to purchase a maximum of 93,685 shares of Series B.
The purchase will be made from August 28, 2013 to May 13, 2014, which is the day
before the Annual General Meeting 2014. The purchase of shares shall take place
on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and may only occur at a price within the share price
interval registered at that time. The share price interval is the price interval
between the highest buying price and the lowest selling price. The purpose of
the purchase is to cover social security fees under the PSP 2013 incentive
program that was resolved at the Annual General Meeting in May 14, 2013. Prior
to the above decision, Karolinska Development holds 150,600 own shares.

For further information, please contact:
Benjamin Nordin, IRO, Karolinska Development AB
Phone: +46 (0)73 093 60 80, e-mail: benjamin.nordin@karolinskadevelopment.com


About Karolinska Development AB
Karolinska Development aims to create value for patients, researchers, and
investors by developing innovations from world class science into products that
can be sold or out-licensed with high returns. The business model is to: SELECT
the most commercially attractive medical innovations; DEVELOP innovations to the
stage where the greatest return on investment can be achieved; and COMMERCIALIZE
the innovations through the sale of companies or out-licensing of products. An
exclusive deal flow agreement with Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB, along
with other cooperation agreements with leading universities, delivers a
continuous flow of innovations. Today, the portfolio consists of 35 projects, of
which 16 are in clinical development. For more information, please visit

Karolinska Development is listed on NASDAQ OMX. Karolinska Development may be
required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities
Markets Act.

