Google Hummingbird Update, and What You Need to Know About It

Avital Web, internet marketing company in Los Angeles, explains the important aspects of Google Hummingbird update for website owners.

Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 8, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Hummingbird update may be one of the most talked-about Google updates in years. Google routinely updates its algorithms hundreds of times a year and even one or more times a day. However, the Hummingbird update is far more than just another update. Avital Web, Los Angeles SEO firm, explains what website owners need to know about Google's Hummingbird update.

About Avital Web, Internet Marketing Company

Avital Web is a top Los Angeles dental marketing company that offers customized Internet marketing solutions that include search engine optimization, keyword strategy, pay-per-click management, social media campaigns, website design, mobile website design and dental marketing. Visit to learn more about the services provided at this company.

Staying current with technology is essential for Google's long-term success, and Avital Web, SEO company, believes that it is also essential for website owners. Mobile websites and social networking sites can be some of their most powerful tools for getting noticed, building new customer relationships and strengthening existing website rankings.

Many business owners remember the unveiling of Google Panda in 2011. Panda required website owners to really focus on the kind of content they were providing. Google was now penalizing sites with poor quality or duplicate content and rewarding those with fresh, high-quality, unique content. Those with the highest-quality content were rewarded with top search engine rankings.

The Hummingbird update was designed to not merely update but actually transform the algorithm, or the way sites are categorized and ranked. Hummingbird took effect in August but was not announced until recently. It affects an incredible 90 percent of Google and is designed to not just improve search results but also to improve speed and translation from normal speech patterns such as those used with mobile devices.

Many site owners are justifiably concerned about how Hummingbird will affect their overall marketing strategies. One thing is clear: Continuing to provide high-quality, unique content will play a major role in any successful marketing strategy. Site owners can also evaluate their analytics to better determine Hummingbird's effects on their overall traffic. Site owners who already have a solid SEO strategy and diverse Internet marketing campaign may discover that Hummingbird has boosted their rankings. Others may find deficiencies that can be easily corrected with the assistance of SEO professionals.


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