Conclusion of a major contract

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. („Company”) herewith informs, that in
reference to the loans granted by the Company to the subsidiary Arctic Paper
Investment AB („Subsidiary”) based on the loan agreements concluded by and
between the parties on March 1, 2010 and March 30, 2010 in the total amount of
PLN 244,275,000, an agreement („Agreement”) regarding unconditional shareholder
contribution  to the Subsidiary of PLN 244,275,000 was concluded on December
19th, 2013. According to the Agreement, the conversion of liabilities of the
Subsidiary on the grounds of aforementioned loan to the capital reserves will
take place.

Moreover, according to the Agreement the liabilities arising from the accrued
interest on the loan settled under the Agreement shall be paid by the Subsidiary
on December 31, 2016.

About the loan agreement dated March 1, 2010 the Company informed in the current
report no. 10/2010 as of March 2, 2010.

The Contract has been deemed material due to the value of receivables incurred
by the Company thereunder which exceed 10% of the Company’s equity.
For additional information, please contact:

Wolfgang Lübbert, President of the Management Board of Arctic Paper, tel.
+49 405 148 5310

This information is disclosed pursuant to the Minister of Finance directive of
February 19, 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of
securities, and on conditions of equivalence of information required to be
provided under non-Member State law, §1, clause 1, item 3 and was submitted for
publication on 19 December 2013 at 3:00 pm CET, in reference to Arctic Paper’s
current report no. 43/2013 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange.