East Capital Explorer AB - The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board's proposals

The Extraordinary General Meeting of East Capital Explorer AB (publ) today
resolved in accordance with the Board's proposals to:

1.     introduce a new class of shares, preference shares, through amendments to
the articles of association;

2.     authorize the Board of Directors to, at one or several occasions before
the Annual General Meeting 2014, with or without deviation from the preferential
rights of the shareholders, resolve to issue no more than 1,000,000 preference
shares; and

3.     amend the articles of association in order to adapt the Company to the
new EU regulatory framework for managers of alternative investment funds.

The complete proposals are available at www.eastcapitalexplorer.com/egm.

Contact information

Catharina Hagberg, Acting CEO, East Capital Explorer, +46 8 505 885 52
Lena Krauss, Head of IR & Finance, East Capital Explorer, +46 8 505 885 94

About East Capital Explorer

East Capital Explorer AB (publ) is a Swedish investment company that offers
unique investment opportunities in Eastern European to a wider customer base.
The Company makes direct investments into private and public companies,
investments are also made through East Capital's Private Equity, Real Estate and
Alternative investment funds. East Capital Explorers key investment theme is
strong domestic demand and companies that focuses on sectors with high growth
potential such as retail, finance and real estate. East Capital Explorer has
appointed East Capital to manage its investments. East Capital Explorer is
listed at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Mid Cap.

  Listing: NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Mid Cap - Ticker: ECEX - ISIN: SE0002158568 -
                  Reuters: ECEX.ST - Bloomberg: ECEX SS Equity

This information is made public according to the Financial Markets Act and the
Financial Instruments Trading Act or requirements in listing agreements. The
information was handed in for publication on March 24, 2014 at 2.30 p.m. CET.



140324 - Press Release.pdf