Registration of shares with the National Depository for Security (KDPW)

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. (the "Company”) informs that on 26 May
2014 it received an announcement of the Operational Department of the National
Depository for Securities (Dział Operacyjny Krajowego Depozytu Papierów
Wartościowych S.A.) dated 26 May 2014, which notifies the Company, that
according to the Resolutions no. 473/14 and 474/14 dated 16 May 2014 of the
Board of the National Depository for Securities, on the 27 May 2014 the
13,884,283 series F ordinary bearer shares of the Company will be registered by
the National Depository for Securities and the code PLARTPR00012 will be given
to those shares.
For additional information, please contact:

Wolfgang Lübbert, CEO, tel. +49 405 148 5310

This information is disclosed pursuant to the Article 56 section § 34 section 1
item 1 of Minister of Finance regulation of February 19th, 2009, concerning
current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities and terms
and conditions of classifying as equivalent the information required by the law
of a non-member state (Journal of Laws of 2009, no 33, item 259 as amended) and
was submitted for publication on 27 May 2014 at 9:30 am CET, in reference to
Arctic Paper’s current report no. 7/2014 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange.