Introduction of new Market for Norwegian Stock Derivatives

 As of January 12, 2015, a new market will be introduced in Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF) for Norwegian Single Stock Derivatives. This will be introduced to support updates to NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets that will change the Expiration Day for standardized options, forwards and futures on Norwegian Single Stock Derivatives to the third Thursday of the month. Currently the Expiration Day for options, forwards and futures on Norwegian Single Stock Derivatives is the third Friday of the month. New contracts will be listed in parallel with the existing contracts, thus the change will have no effect on the existing contracts. New maturities on the existing contracts will no longer be listed and existing maturities without open interest will be delisted. Successively only the new contracts with the third Thursday as the Expiration Day will be available for trading. For more information about this change please read Product Notice from December 23, 2014:

The new market will be available in GCF production environment from tomorrow, trading in the instruments on the market will start on Monday.


Name GCF Market Id Source Market Id Exchange Id
Norwegian Stock 726 1094 8


For questions regarding this notice please contact: or by telephone + 45 33 93 33 66