IT – Genium INET 4.0.0240 Project Update (01/15)

The new and modified functionalities that was planned to be introduced with the upgrade of External Test System 4 (EXT4) version 4.0.0240 on January 22nd 2015 has now been moved to February 12th 2015.

These functionalities include the following:
·ITCH for Commodities·Additional Day-Ahead Future day 6 contract for SEK El-Cert (Commodities)·Standard Exercise Parameters (Equity Derivatives)·Glimpse Re-Request Service (Equity Derivatives & Commodities)·Accrued Market Value Report (Commodities)·Changes to Private Price List Functionality (Equity Derivatives & Commodities)·Index closing value as final settlement for flexible index options (Equity Derivatives)

Cash Optimization functionalities will also be available for testing as planned on February 12th 2015.

As a result of the postponement of the upgrade of EXT4, it has been decided to also reschedule the releases of the initial versions of Nasdaq front-ends Clearing Workstation 1 and Trading Workstation that was planned to be released today. The first versions of Nasdaq front-ends is now planned to be released February 9th, 2015. Please be aware that you will not be able to log in until February 12th, 2015.

A final version of OMnet Message Reference is now available for download on the Genium INET 4.0.0240 website. On this website you will also find more information about the modified and new functionalities being introduced in Genium INET 4.0.0240.

The planned project timeline for Genium INET 4.0.0240

February 9 External release to include initial Nasdaq front-ends
February 12 External Test 4 with full functionality with the exception of AMD functionality.
March 12 AMD functionality added to External Test 4
March 13 Go-live candidates of Nasdaq front-ends
April 18 Technical go-live of Genium INET 4.0.0240
April 20 First trading and clearing day for Equity Derivatives, Fixed Income and Commodities

For questions or comments, please contact:
Charlie Holmgren
+46 8 405 6944