Financial Advisor Edmonton Releases New Client Care Strategy

Financial Advisor Michael Dennis, also known as The People's Advisor, takes the gloves off and spills his guts on what's wrong with the industry and how he intends to change it.

EDMONTON, Alberta, March 4, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Michael Dennis has seen a lot over his eight years as a financial advisor in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He started off in the industry in a position like so many of his clients; a hard working guy wanting to protect and provide for his family the best way possible and not get screwed in the process.

"When first starting in the industry, like most new comers it's common to know very little. But it doesn't take long to spot the problems and downright injustices that the average client is being subjected to" said Michael.

Michael, not being one to pull punches, is rattling the cages of local advisors and agents who have been resting on their laurels and old outdated strategies for years.

"People's livelihood we the advisors are dealing with. People trust us. That trust is something advisors need to not only treat with tremendous care from the onset but also consistently through the life of the relationship. That trust is shown through giving sound, current advice that always has the clients best interests firmly at the forefront. Many clients unfortunately have been left victimized by an advisor looking for a quick sale of high commission products instead. That nonsense needs to stop." explains Michael.

He has built his entire business based on a partnership philosophy. Instead of a one-time sale and a christmas card in the mail, his clients have access to him for all of their financial decisions. His newly released client care strategy is going to give clients a whole new level of access and VIP treatment. If they are debating whether or not to buy a new car or take an extra vacation during the year Michael's a phone call or text away. And when a client is ready to make a decision or has specific financial goals to meet he has the most current and advanced strategies to be able to assist them.

Michael passionately makes a case for why many people receive outdated advice. "Most advisors have built a book of business based on what used to work. As these advisors approach retirement many of them neglect upgrading their knowledge and instead opt for maintaining the status quo. This is done to the detriment of their new clients and referrals and it needs to stop!".

The People's Advisor knows that change starts with him and the example Michael sets with his own clients and their results. His hope is that other advisors follow his lead to change the industry for the better.

To learn more about Michael's philosophy on finance and how he runs his brokerage check out their website

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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