Sword Group: Growth and Profitability Exceed Budget in 2014 - Favourable Outlook for 2015

Sword Group
Confirmation of the financial results as
announced on the 22th January 2015
Growth and Profitability Exceed
Budget in 2014
Favourable Outlook for 2015

Sword Group Year 2014

Consolidated Revenue: €117.1 M
Consolidated Profitability: 16.1%
Revenue at constant perimeter: €113.3 M
Backlog up 52% year-on-year

Windhof - 2015, March 9th

2014 Performance

€M Consolidated Annual Results
  2014 2013 Growth
Revenue 117.1 106.5 + 10.0%
EBITDA 18.9 16.3 + 16.0%
Profitability 16.1% 15.3% -

€M Annual Results at constant perimeter
  2014 2013 Croissance
Revenue 113.3 102.6 + 10.4%
EBITDA 18.4 N/A -
Profitability 16.3% - -


The 2014 growth rate at constant perimeter amounts to +10.4% compared with a
budget of +5%.
In sectoral terms, the growth (at constant perimeter) of each division is:
- Software: + 7.9%
- IT Service & Management Consulting: + 11.6%

On a like-for-like basis, the EBITDA amounts to 16.3%, in other words €18.4 M, 5%
ahead of budget.

Net Cash
The net cash position at the end of December amounts to €48.2 M.


The significant event in 2014 was the deconsolidation of Tipik (Communication
Technologies Division) during the 1st quarter of 2014.

The Group plans an organic growth rate greater than or equal to 12% and an
EBITDA margin of between 15 and 16%. These figures are supported by the
significant increase in the backlog, up to 52% compared with December 2013.
The cash available associated with the confirmed line of credit will serve the funding
of organic growth , the acquisitions strategy and the funding of R & D promgramme.

About Sword Group

Sword Group (NYSE Euronext: FR0004180578 SWP) delivers high value business applications (IT Services & Software) to the world's largest companies globally. With operations in 50 countries, Sword today employs over 1,200+ people and generates €117.1m in consolidated revenue.

An international leader in the delivery of Business Process Improvement solutions and data optimisation, Sword's skills, infrastructure and experience help our customers across regulated industries optimise performance, increase efficiencies and maximise return on investment.

With flexible delivery options, including On Demand and On Premises, combined with our extensive industry expertise, Sword provides comprehensive support to customers across insurance and healthcare, energy, banking and finance, telecoms, utilities, engineering and construction and the public sector.

For more information, please visit www.sword-group.com

Investor Relations
e investorrelations@sword-group.lu

Sword Group
1,200+ staff (31/12/2014)
Euronext Paris - Compartment B
ISIN Code: FR0004180578
ICB: 9530 Software & Computer Services
CAC® Small
CAC® Mid & Small
CAC® All-Tradable
CAC® All-Share




Sword Group - YTD2014 Results