Drug-Eluting Stent Market Growth Through Design Improvements

According to a new report by iData Research, the initial adoption rate of drug-eluting stents in the U.S. and Europe was rapid, but began to slow slightly because of the incidence of stent thrombosis initially observed in first generation products.

VANCOUVER, BC, March 11, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - According to a new report published by iData Research (http://www.idataresearch.com), updated versions of drug-eluting stents (DES) now contain significant improvements, such as bioabsorbability and polymer coatings in order to combat restenosis, or the re-narrowing of the blood vessels, that was prevalent in older designs. With these new features, drug-eluting stents are now poised to contribute to the growth in the peripheral vascular stent market in the U.S. and Europe.

"Drug-eluting stents are increasingly taking market share away from bare-metal stents," explains Dr. Kamran Zamanian, CEO of iData. "Companies in the U.S. and Europe are investing heavily in drug-eluting technology, which serve as an alternative that has been shown to lower restenosis rates."

However, increasing usage of drug-eluting stents will come at the expense of bare-metal stents. A high average selling price of DES will moderate growth in this market. Therefore, drug-eluting stents will continue to be used selectively by physicians, mainly for in-stent and post-bypass restenosis.

Other key findings from the 2014 edition of the iData Research report entitled U.S. and Europe Markets for Peripheral Vascular Stents and Stent Grafts:

In the U.S., nearly 80% of stents used for coronary procedures are drug-eluting stents. Germany has had the quickest adoption of DES technology. The German market accounts for nearly 50% of the Europe market for DES. In countries such as Spain and Portugal, while the market will show double-digit growth, an extremely low base and high cost of DES will hinder adoption in favor of cheaper alternatives, such as drug-coated balloons.

Clinical Trials
Recent clinical trials have supported the use of drug-eluting stents involving coronary applications. These results and the release of longer-term data will continue to drive demand for these products. In the periphery, drug-eluting stents have reduced restenosis rates by as much as 50%. However, clinical trials have yet to prove that restenosis rates are lower over the long term. Thrombotic complications as well as incomplete endothelialization are also a barrier to widespread adoption.

For Further Information
More on the markets for peripheral vascular devices in Europe can be found in the 2014 edition report published by iData entitled U.S. and Europe Markets for Peripheral Vascular Stents and Stent Grafts, which covers the U.S. and 15 countries in Europe, as well as market segments for stent grafts, covered stents, drug-eluting stents, peripheral vascular procedures, bare-metal stents and renal stents.

The iData series on the market for peripheral vascular devices also covers the U.S., China, India, Japan, and 15 countries in Europe. Full reports also provide a comprehensive analysis including units sold, procedure numbers, market value, forecasts, as well as detailed competitive market shares and analysis of major players' success strategies in each market and segment.

Register online or email us at info(AT)idataresearch.net for a U.S. and Europe Markets for Peripheral Vascular Stents and Stent Grafts report brochure and synopsis.

About Procedure Tracker
Procedure number data is available from iData's Procedure Tracker service, which allows subscribers to define and analyze procedure data segmented by State, region, hospital, surgery centre, and physician. A customizable dashboard sorts procedure data for further analysis and research.

About iData Research
iData Research (http://www.idataresearch.com) is an international market research and consulting group focused on providing market intelligence for medical device and pharmaceutical companies. iData covers research in: Diabetes Drugs, Diabetes Devices, Pharmaceuticals, Anesthesiology, Wound Management, Orthopedics, Cardiovascular, Ophthalmics, Endoscopy, Gynecology, Urology and more.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/03/prweb12575887.htm


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