Octopus Apollo VCT plc : Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights


13 March 2015

Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights

The Company has today issued and allotted 5,222,578 Ordinary Shares of 10p each (the "New Ordinary Shares") at a price of 88.9 pence per share pursuant to the Offer for subscription that opened on 24 October 2014. Application will be made for the New Ordinary Shares to be admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange and dealings are expected to commence on or around 27 March 2015.

Dr Hilary Otter, wife of James Otter, a director of the Company, was allotted 11,248 Ordinary Shares. The beneficial holdings of Mr Otter and his wife are now 11,248 Ordinary Shares (0.01% of the issued Ordinary Share capital) and 5,275 C Ordinary Shares (0.1% of the issued C Ordinary Share capital).

The issued share capital and total voting rights of the Company is now 138,213,383, comprising   86,407,564 Ordinary 10p Shares and 51,805,819 C Ordinary 1p Shares.

For further information please contact:

Nicola Board
Company Secretary
020 7776 8663