IT – INET Nordic – Enhancement to Market Maker Orders (MMO)(16/15)

Nasdaq Nordic is planning to enhance the Market Maker Order (MMO) functionality currently in use on Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki and Nasdaq Stockholm. Market Maker protection has been available for passive Market Maker Orders for Warrants, Certificates and Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs). Nasdaq Nordic now plans to extend the Market Maker protection to Aggressive Market Maker Orders. Market Maker protection continues to apply only during Continuous Trading. MMOs are not protected during auctions nor when orders are released after a protection pause.

The Market Maker Order enhancement is planned to be used in production from May 4, 2015 and will be available for testing in INET OTF and GCF test environment (GCF 4) as of March 26, 2015.

INET identifiers:

Market segments impacted by the Market Maker Order enhancement

For full details please see the attached pdf-file.

Best regards,

Nasdaq Nordic

Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland, Nasdaq Riga, Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq Tallinn and Nasdaq Vilnius are respectively brand names for NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S, NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd, NASDAQ OMX Iceland hf., NASDAQ OMX Riga AS, NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB, NASDAQ OMX Tallinn AS and AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius. Nasdaq Nordic represents the common offering by Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland and Nasdaq Stockholm.



it_exchange_notice_INET MMO Aggressive orders_20150313.pdf