DANONE :Danone appoints Lorna Davis and Pascal De Petrini to the Executive Committee to shape the "Danone 2020" initiative

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Paris, March 16, 2015

Danone appoints Lorna Davis and Pascal De Petrini to the Executive Committee to shape the "Danone 2020" initiative

In order to shape the "Danone 2020" initiative, Danone today announces it has appointed Lorna Davis and Pascal De Petrini to two newly created roles.

Lorna Davis will join the Executive Committee on June 1st, 2015. Her mandate will be to lead the innovative, broad co-creation and company-wide deployment process of "Danone 2020", a business transformation programme designed for a sustainable, collaborative and community-engaging future.

As a core part of this roadmap to strengthening the economic and social impact of its growth, engaging Danone's 100,000 employees, Danone has decided to create a "Manifesto" to underpin the way the company intends to deliver its mission. As Chief Manifesto Catalyst, Lorna Davis will play a key role in supporting and coordinating the establishment of the Manifesto across Danone's teams, and local communities the world over, with a view to maximize the potential of this process to catalyze bottom-up innovation.

Commenting on her appointment, Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber, said: "With a life-long experience in the food industry, living and working in seven countries on all five continents, Lorna's depth of knowledge and ability to engage people across cultures has allowed her to provide innovative and highly-effective business solutions, including during her 10 years at Danone. I am personally thrilled and we are all extremely pleased to welcome Lorna back to the Danone family." 

Pascal De Petrini will join the Executive Committee on June 15th, 2015 as Executive Vice- President Strategic Resource Cycles. His mandate will be to lead the Strategic Resource Cycles team that will strengthen Danone's ability to protect and get the best and most appropriate value from its essential resources (milk, water and plastics). He will also manage global sourcing organizations.
Commenting on his appointment, Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber said: "Pascal brings 30 years of passionate experience in the food industry, across Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and in the water, early life nutrition and dairy sectors. I am enthusiastic that we will be able to leverage the business expertise and very strong operations and process transformation capabilities he has gained throughout his long career, including during his previous tenure at Danone."

Lorna Davis and Pascal De Petrini's appointments represent the final composition of the Executive Committee.

Emmanuel Faber concluded: "These two new transformational roles signal the importance of our commitment to the "Danone 2020" initiative. They will act alongside their colleagues of the Executive Committee, taking Danone towards strong, profitable and sustainable growth."


Lorna Davis

After beginning her career at Unilever, Lorna Davis held various senior business development positions. She joined Danone in 1997 as Managing Director of Griffins Foods in New Zealand before becoming Regional Vice-President of Biscuits for the United Kingdom and Ireland (Jacobs Bakery and Irish Biscuits). In 2003, Lorna Davis was appointed Vice-President for Danone's global topline acceleration "Growth Too" project. She was later appointed President for Danone Biscuits in China, and subsequently to the sale of Danone's biscuits division to Kraft Foods (now Mondelez) in 2007, she became President of Kraft China. She is joining Danone back from Mondelez, where her latest assignment was President North America for Biscuits (Nabisco), after having held the role of Senior Vice-President of Global Biscuits.
Lorna Davis serves on the Board of Directors of AB Electrolux. She was born in 1959 in South Africa.

Pascal De Petrini

Pascal De Petrini started his career in 1984 as Industrial Engineer at Danone Dairy France. In 1995, he was appointed Supply Chain Director of LU France and then, in 1998, General Manager of the Biscuit activity in China. In 2002, he was appointed General Manager of ERP THEMIS and, in 2004, General Manager of Aqua Indonesia and subsequently Regional Vice-President Waters Asia-Pacific. In 2008, Pascal De Petrini was appointed Regional Vice-President Early Life Nutrition Asia Pacific in addition to his Waters responsibilities. He joined Fraser & Neave in 2011 as CEO Food & Beverage, prior to become, within Fonterra, Managing Director Asia Pacific Middle East & Africa in 2013.
Pascal De Petrini was born in 1960 in Algeria.


Danone appoints Lorna Davis and Pascal De Petrini to the