Information concerning the exercise period of subscription warrants which commences tomorrow

Tomorrow, 25 March 2015, the exercise period commences for the Series TO 1 subscription warrants, which was issued in conjunction with BIMobject AB's initial public offering. The exercise period continues until 15 April 2015. Holders of the subscription warrants are entitled to subscribe for one new share in BIMobject® for each subscription warrant, at a price of SEK 10.50. 

"We are, in accord with my understanding, already the leading provider of BIM objects in Europe. Via the capital which will be raised by means of the subscription warrants, our primary intention is to finance global business expansion. We follow the plan which will lead to BIMobject AB becoming the global leader of BIM objects in the market - and I want to heartily welcome you to join us in our continuing journey," remarks Stefan Larsson, CEO of BIMobject AB.

Summary of the terms for Series TO 1 subscription warrants 

  • Subscription period: 25 March - 15 April 2015 (via simultaneous cash payment no later than 15:00 on 15 April 2015).
  • Number of subscription warrants outstanding: 5,400,000 TO 1 warrants.
  • Subscription price: Holders of subscription warrants have the right to subscribe for one new share in BIMobject® at a price of SEK 10.50 per share for each warrant.
  • Issuance volume: On full exercise of all subscription warrants, BIMobject® will receive SEK 56.7 million, less issuance expenses.
  • The last day of trading of subscription warrants: 13 April 2015. Note that this date is changed from what has previously been communicated. 
  • Valuation: Approximately SEK 176.5 million (pre money).

Full terms and conditions for the Series TO 1 subscription warrants, a teaser, and application form will be available on BIMobject's website ( in connection with the commencement of exercise period. 

Important dates in connection with the subscription warrants 

  • Subscription period begins: 25 March 2015
  • Last day of trading of subscription options: 13 April 2015
  • Subscription period ends: 15 April 2015
  • Payment:  Simultaneous cash payment not later than 15:00 on 15 April 2015
  • Planned communication of outcomes: Week 16 - 2015
  • Intended conversion of the interim shares to full shares: Week 19 - 2015

Here's how to exercise your Series TO 1 subscription warrants 

Do you have your subscription warrants in a depository account, in an investment savings account, or an endowment account (nominee registered warrants)?
In the event that the holder of the option has his options in a depository account, in an investment savings account or an endowment account (nominee registered ownership), subscription/payment is to be made to the respective trustee/custodian who will be instructing about further instructions concerning how to proceed in order to exercise one's warrants. During the warrant subscription period, the possibility will be provided to convert the subscription warrants into equity shares during the period from 25 March to 15 April 2015. For more information and further instructions regarding how to proceed in order to exercise your subscription warrants, please contact your trustee/custodian in advance. A folder containing a summary of the terms of the Series TO 1 subscription warrants will be sent out to all those who have their holdings nominee-registered. 

Do you have your subscription warrants in a securities account (directly registered warrants)?
No issuing statement will be sent out. However, an application form will be sent out and a folder containing a summary of the terms of the Series TO 1 subscription warrants. The application form will also be available for download on Sedermera Fondkommission's website ( as well as on BIMobject AB's website ( 

In connection with the application form that is submitted to Sedermera Fondkommission, payment must be made in accordance with the payment instructions on the application form. During the subscription period, the possibility is provided to convert the subscription warrants into equity shares during the period from 25 March to 15 April 2015 provided that the subscription form and payment have been received by Sedermera Fondkommission no later than the date stated on the application form. Once both the subscription and payment has been registered with Sedermera Fondkommission, the subscription warrants will be replaced with interim shares in anticipation of registration with the Swedish Registration Office/Bolagsverket. The interim shares will then be replaced with shares. 

It is important to note that the subscription warrants that are not sold on or before 13 April 2015, or alternatively exercised by 15 April 2015, expire. In order for your subscription warrants not to expire, it requires that the holder actively subscribe for shares, or alternatively sells their subscription warrants.

For any queries regarding BIMobject's subscription warrants, please contact:
Sedermera Fondkommission
Telephone: +46 (0) 431-47 17 00

BIMobject AB is a Swedish company with globally scalable business concept. We help our customers to be more successful in marketing and sales by creating virtual copies of their products as BIM objects.  

BIMobject AB develops IT tools, web solutions and services for the creation, conversion and publishing of BIM objects on the web, creating a direct link between the products and those who use BIM/CAD system in the construction and furnishings industry.

BIMobject® - Winner of the Red Herring Europe Top 100 Awards 2013, winner of the 2013 Red Herring 100 Global and winner of the IAIR AWARDS 2013!

BIMobject AB (publ) - NASDAQ First North Stockholm- Ticker symbol: BIM

Sedermera Fondkommission is the company's Certified Adviser.

This is an English version of a press release communicated by BIMobject®. In any case of doubt or possible differences regarding the different versions it is the Swedish version that shall apply.

