Tech Company Releases Advertising Monitoring Web App/Service for Businesses

Tech company in California poised to change advertising with new web app/service release called The Ad Auditor. New application/service combination helps businesses track and monitor the ROI on all their advertising campaigns.

LOS ANGELES, Calif., March 24, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - A newly released web application and service will change the way businesses select and monitor their advertising campaigns. The Ad Auditor is the first cloud-based web application and service combination to monitor all facets of a businesses' advertising platform and analyze their effectiveness in real-time. The Ad Auditor is able to compile not only digital data but also data from non-digital sources, such as print publications and radio/television. This information is incorporated into an easy to understand dashboard that allows business owners to make informed decisions on how to best allocate their advertising budgets.

"The Ad Auditor is a revolution in advertising. No longer will business owners be held hostage by an advertising vendor's fabricated or skewed results," says Brian Smith, founder and creator of the app. "This app allows for complete and real-time transparency. It helps determine an accurate ROI for each and every account," Smith says.

The advertising auditing and tracking platform was the brainchild of a group of advertising executives out of Los Angeles, California who found that most of their clients could not determine the effectiveness of most of their advertising. They saw there was a real need for business owners to have accurate information when it comes to filtering results from different advertising campaigns.

"The Ad Auditor was beta tested extensively on high-volume auto dealerships with multiple advertising sources. It was a challenge to keep track of all the various avenues auto dealers use to advertise, but we were able to smooth out the process and had a 93% accuracy ratio, which was dramatic," Smith concluded.

The system also allows business owners to easily cancel non-performing accounts with a single click, subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement with the advertising vendor, which are stored in the system.

The Ad Auditor uses an integrated platform of digital tracking, analytics integration, survey emails, and telephone calls to compile its data. Many of the features of the web app are automated or at least seem automated from the perspective of the business owner. What is delivered to the business owner is a clean interface with clear data. The Ad Auditor is a true integration between technology and common sense.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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