Pressrelease following extraordinary general meeting of Heliospectra

The following resolution was adopted at an extraordinary general meeting of Heliospectra AB (publ) ("the Company") on 30 March 2015:
Resolution on authorisation for the Board to conduct a new issue of shares and/or warrants. 

The meeting resolved to authorise the Board to, on one or more occasions during the period until the next Annual General Meeting, make decisions on any new issues of shares and/or warrants, in which case the number of shares that may be issued under the authorisation may not exceed 8,000,000 new shares. Any issue will take place against cash payment and/or with a provision regarding payment in kind or set-off and will thereby take place with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights.

Any issue will be on market terms and be based on the assessed market value of the Company's shares at the time of issue with a potential deduction for any market discount which the Board deems necessary in order for the issue to be implemented. The reason for this authorisation is that it is deemed to be to the Company's advantage, as regards expansion and the raising of capital, for the Board to be given the room to manoeuvre to be able to make decisions about new share issues, and otherwise be able to issue shares and/or share-related instruments without the need to convene a general meeting of shareholders.

The reasons for being able to deviate from the shareholders' general preferential rights are that such flexibility is expected to facilitate the raising of capital for the Company, and that any consequent broadening of ownership is deemed to be an advantage for the Company and its current shareholders.

April 9, 2015, Gothenburg Sweden

For more information: 
Staffan Hillberg, CEO, tfn. +46 (0) 708 36 59 44, 
Håkan Bengtsson, CFO, tfn. +46 (0) 705 55 89 02,

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Heliospectra Announcement from extraordinary general meeting (English).pdf
Heliospectra Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma (Swedish).pdf

About Heliospectra
Heliospectra (publ - listed on NASDAQ OMX First North HELIO ISIN SE0005933082 as well as North American ADR OTCQB: HLSPY Cusip: 423281104) was founded in 2006 and specializes in intelligent lighting technologies for plant research and greenhouse cultivation. Heliospectra's products are based on a deep knowledge of plant physiology and photosynthesis combined with a unique way of using state-of-the-art LED technology. After seven years of development in Sweden, the company released its first commercial light, the LX60 Series in 2014, and is now venturing into the international marketplace. The company has raised more than 15 million dollars in venture capital and has received more than 2.6 million dollars through academic scholarships. It has also won several awards for its forward-thinking technology. Principal owners: Weland Stål AB, Stiftelsen, Midroc New Tecknology, Weland Värdepapper Wood & Hill Investment

