RowdMap, Inc. Co-founder Organizes Entrepreneurs' BootCamp to Ignite Innovation by Connecting Open Health Data to Value Propositions at Health Datapalooza

Payment and incentives models are fundamentally changing in healthcare while the Department of Health and Human Services continues to open up health data. RowdMap, Inc. co-founder, Josh Rosenthal, co-organizers the Healthcare Entrepreneurs' BootCamp to explore the connection between open health data and value propositions for private markets and public good at the Health Data Consortium's Health Datapalooza.

LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 11, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - The Health Data Consortium will host the Healthcare Entrepreneurs' BootCamp at Health Datapalooza 2015, Tuesday, June 2nd, Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC. RowdMap, Inc. co-founder, Joshua Rosenthal, PhD, is among the co-organizers responsible for the BootCamp. "This BootCamp brings together industry icons, rock star innovators, and the public for the express purpose of connecting open health data with value propositions core to the Pay-for-Value future of US healthcare. The key to the next phase of the open health data is moving from the liberation of data to making it more meaningful. The challenges are not just technical problems for developers, but based in business models that are now fundamentally changing as CMS sunsets Fee-for-Services and moves to Pay-for-Value, and this requires innovation on value propositions from business innovators. It's an excellent time to explore disruption and inter-mediation, and we're proud that the Health Data Consortium is bringing together innovation from data and business leaders by featuring this important session at the core of Health Datapalooza," said Rosenthal.

Health Datapalooza is a national conference focused on liberating health data, and bringing together the companies, startups, academics, government agencies, and individuals with the newest and most innovative and effective uses of health data to improve patient outcomes. The Healthcare Entrepreneur's BootCamp focuses on applying Open Health Data to the health care delivery system to create market value and foster public and social good.

Open government data has met success with weather and geo-location data, but the greatest challenge for open data is in health care, where the government is releasing massive amounts of new and powerful data, but entrepreneurs and innovators struggle to keep up. The government is changing incentives for payment and care delivery and pumping out new data to make it work, but despite the massive opportunity, aspiring entrepreneurs face difficulty when trying to take cool ideas, technologies or data and match them with a business models.

The Healthcare Entrepreneurs' BootCamp is designed to address this critical gap between data and application. The BootCamp uses a games-based approach to creating meaning from data and is stocked full of absolute experts from across the industry dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs take an idea from the back of a napkin to delivering value in the marketplace. This BootCamp has met notable success at Harvard, Hopkins and MIT and at Health Datapalooza now open to all attendees especially those interested in connecting public data to proven value propositions. Attendees come with ideas they want to explore or just an interest in how to tie cutting-edge data and tech to the core delivery in the healthcare ecosystem, a foundational component of the Health Data Consortium's mission to liberate health data and use it to make meaningful connections between the public and private sectors.

The Health Data Consortium is a public-private partnership working to foster the availability and innovative use of open health data to improve health and healthcare. Its mission is to liberate health data to ignite innovation; promote collaboration among health data users and stakeholders; encourage responsible health data use; and hasten the movement through advocacy, education, and targeted "catalyst" programs. In an effort to connect open data with market value, HDC is featuring the Healthcare Entrepreneur's BootCamp as foundational curriculum for innovators. As part of a core mission to foster innovation, HDC will provide 1-year individual HDC memberships to the members of a team that BootCamp judges designate based on that team's game play around connecting open data with business value. The ability to connect open health data to value propositions is now more important than ever in light of the recent change in incentives and payment models.

CMS has recently announced that they are sun-setting Fee-for-Service payment model in favor of Pay-for-Value. This is a major change in the business model of healthcare and significantly realigns incentives for all parties. At the same time HHS has been making headlines by opening the data vaults and liberating the data to measure the progress and impact of these new payment models along with the source data to power innovation. Success comes from connecting the two and working through the fusion of new market incentives and newly liberated data takes practice. This BootCamp brings together industry icons, wild innovators and the public for the express purpose of connecting open health data with value propositions core to the Pay-for-Value future of US healthcare.

Join us at the Healthcare Entrepreneurs' BootCamp

Health Datapalooza, brought to you by the Health Data Consortium
Tuesday, June 2 – 4:15pm; Washington, D.C. Marriott Wardman Park

Sujata Bhatia, MD, PhD, Harvard University
Niall Brennan, Chief Data Officer, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Mohit Kaushal, MD, Partner Aberdare Ventures and HDP Steering Committee
Joshua Rosenthal, PhD, RowdMap Inc. and NCHVS Data Group
Marshall Votta, Leverage Health Solutions and HDC Advisory Council

About RowdMap, Inc.
RowdMap helps health plans, government payers, providers, and hospital systems develop Risk-Readiness strategies to excel as they transition from fee-for- service to pay-for value. As CMS sunsets fee-for-service payments, RowdMap's Risk-Readiness Platform helps payers and providers identify and manage unwarranted and unexpected variation. RowdMap identifies ideal provider arrangements based on provider practice patterns and population characteristics within a geography. Payers and providers then use RowdMap to build strategies around these new risk relationships. RowdMap helps them enter new markets, segment populations, identify waste, design products, and understand referral patterns. RowdMap's platform comes preloaded with government benchmarks out of the box no IT integration required. RowdMap's Risk-Readiness Platform works across all market segments and has significantly larger returns than traditional, medical economic approaches.

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