Changed date for the Annual general meeting of Heliospectra

Heliospectra AB (publ) has changed the date for the Annual general meeting to Monday June 22. 10:00 am. The meeting will be held at Frans Perssons väg 6. Previous date was June 5.

Heliospectra is listed on Nasdaq First North. G & W is the company's Certified Adviser.

Gothenburg, May 11, 2015

For more information:
Staffan Hillberg, CEO, phone +46 (0) 708 36 59 44,
Håkan Bengtsson, CFO Tel. +46 (0) 705 55 89 02,

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Heliospectra Pressrelease 2015-05-11 English.pdf
Heliospectra Pressrelease 2015-05-11 Svenska.pdf

About Heliospectra
Heliospectra (publ - listed on Nasdaq First North) was founded in 2006 and specialises in intelligent lighting technologies for plant research and greenhouse cultivation. Heliospectra's products are based on a deep knowledge of plant physiology and photosynthesis combined with a unique way of using state-of-the-art LED technology. After six years of development in Sweden, the company is now venturing into the international marketplace. The company has raised more than 15 million dollars in risk capital and has received more than 2.6 million dollars through academic scholarships. It has also won several awards for its forward-thinking technology. Principal owners: Weland Stål AB, Stiftelsen Industrifonden, Midroc New Tecknology, Weland Värdepapper Wood & Hill Investment


Heliospectra_Pressrelease_2015-05-11_English.pdf Heliospectra_Pressrelease_2015-05-11_Svenska.pdf