Press Release
Geneva, 29 June 2015

All proposals approved at annual general meeting of ENR Russia Invest SA on 29 June 2015

The annual general meeting ("AGM") of ENR Russia Invest SA ("Company") was convened in Geneva on 29 June 2015.

The following approvals and resolutions were approved at the AGM:

Approval of the 2014 annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 of the group and the Company and after the payment of the dividend (see immediately below) the carrying forward of  CHF 1'772'537 of 2014 retained earnings.

Payment of a dividend (gross) (i.e. before taxes and duties) of CHF 11.50 per dividend bearing bearer share  with a par value of CHF 12.40, where:

  • the last trading day with entitlement to receive the dividend is Tuesday, 30 June 2015;
  • as from Wednesday, 1 July 2015 the shares will be traded ex-dividend; and
  • the payment of the dividend will be made on Friday, 3 July 2015.

Discharge of all members of the board of directors ("Board") for the 2014 financial year.
Re-election for one year of Dr. Walter Fetscherin and Mr. Gustav Stenbolt to the Board, with Mr. Gustav Stenbolt as Company chairman.
Election of Dr. Walter Fetscherin and Mr. Gustav Stenbolt to the Company's remuneration committee.
Election of ZELLWEGER & LOCCA as independent shareholder representative for the 2016 AGM.
Re-election of Ernst & Young AG, Zurich as the Company and group's auditor for one year.
All amendments to the Company's articles of association as per its 8 June 2015 publication in the Feuille officielle suisse du commerce.
Prospective approval of the Board's and the management's compensation.

Contact person: Ben de Bruyn, ENR Russia Invest SA, tel: +41 22 510 2626

ENR Russia Invest is an investment company listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. It specialises in the management of equities and equity-like investments as well as fixed income instruments in Russia, the CIS States and the Baltic States. Additional information on ENR Russia Invest SA is available on the company website www.enr.ch


Media release (PDF)