Veterinary Medical & Surgical Hospital of Topeka Announces Addition of New Dental Radio Graphs

TOPEKA, Kan., July 19, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Veterinary Medical & Surgical Hospital of Topeka, Kansas, is thrilled about the new addition of dental radio graphs to their current x-ray technology offerings. This new technology allows the veterinarians to x-ray every single tooth individually, as well as the jaw bone (to search for signs of bone loss), rather than x-raying the entire head. "Just as early detection of dental health problems is important for people," says Dr. Joseph Kamer, "It is also good for pets. Dental radiographs allow veterinarians to detect signs of dental problems much earlier than the human eye can detect so that intervention can be made early in the process.

Good dental health is important for pets of all ages. The younger pet owners begin the process of exposing their pets to positive dental practices, including yearly dental checkups, with dental radiographs, along with daily tooth brushing, the better dental health the pet is likely to have, according to Dr. Joseph Kamer of Veterinary Medical & Surgical Hospital of Topeka.

"That's why we're so excited to add this to our practice," says Dr. Kamer. "It means we can help detect early signs of dental disease or problems much sooner, reducing the amount of damage that occurs before intervention is possible."

Of course, this is most beneficial when combined with routine dental care from a qualified veterinary dentist. Pets who have dental issues will require treatment and routine dental cleanings are recommended for all pet owners.

These cleanings, while necessary, must be performed under general anesthesia. This is less stressful for the pets and safer for everyone. It does require blood work for the pet before it's performed though to ensure there are no underlying health issues that anesthesia may exacerbate.

Veterinary Medical & Surgical Hospital of Topeka offers practical advice on how to brush pets' teeth as well as helpful advice on treats that help to remove tartar and additives pet owners can place in water bowls to reduce pet plaque and bacteria.

Good dental health for pets is about so much more than good breath. Most adult pets today suffer from periodontal disease which can lead to inflammation and pain. When pets feel dental pain they stop eating and drinking normally, which means they aren't getting the nutrition they need in order to perform optimally. Dental radiographs don't build strong teeth in pets, but they do help identify areas of weakness so that steps can be taken to strengthen them.

About Veterinary Medical & Surgical Hospital of Topeka

Veterinary Medical & Surgical Hospital of Topeka is located on SW 29th Street in Topeka, Kansas, and offers a wide range of veterinary services for area pets, including: veterinary dentistry, vaccinations, spay and neutering, grooming and boarding.


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