ShippingEasy Publishes the Definitive Guide to eCommerce Shipping

51-Page whitepaper helps companies optimize their shipping operations to improve customer experience and reduce costs.

AUSTIN, Texas, July 21, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - ShippingEasy, provider of the leading cloud-based shipping solution for eCommerce sellers of all sizes, today published the Definitive Guide to eCommerce Shipping. This 51-page guide covers all aspects of shipping operations.

Shipping's importance to customer experience: eCommerce customer expectations and the business case for optimizing shipping processes to meet and exceed those expectations.

The shipping ecosystem: The integration required between a shipping solution and selling, accounting, and other solutions, along with examples of how these systems interact to facilitate shipping processes.

The physical environment: The need to align shipping operations with picking, packing, and fulfillment processes and tools.

Shipping service providers and technologies: Guidance on evaluating the various software and service solutions--from eCommerce and shipping solutions to hardware to carrier services--needed in order to optimize shipping operations.

"The shipping operation is responsible for the only physical touch point between an eCommerce seller and a customer--making an efficient and accurate shipping operation absolutely critical to a positive customer experience and ongoing customer loyalty," said Katie May, CEO of ShippingEasy. "Add to that the complex service-provider environment and significant opportunities to cost-optimize shipping decisions, and you find a compelling business case for taking a close look at all aspects of how your business does shipping. The Definitive Guide helps you do just that."

Ecommerce businesses of all sizes--from "mom and pop" operations shipping a few orders per day to multi-store, multi-warehouse, international operations shipping thousands of orders per day--will find valuable information in the Definitive Guide, including:

  • Shipping capabilities to consider and how to determine which are right for your business
  • Example shipping process flows for common eCommerce business models
  • Guidance on determining how to charge for shipping, including the implications of free shipping and threshold-based shipping
  • Evaluation criteria for selecting service providers and technology solutions, including carriers, SaaS vs. on-premises software, eCommerce platforms, shipping platforms, and peripherals

To learn more about how to optimize your shipping operations for improved customer experience and ROI, download the ShippingEasy Definitive Guide to eCommerce Shipping today.

About ShippingEasy:

ShippingEasy provides the simplest online shipping app for online sellers. Its cloud-based shipping solution offers discounted USPS postage rates and the ability to plug in existing UPS and FedEx accounts. ShippingEasy integrates with leading marketplaces, shopping carts, and ecommerce platforms to allow order fulfillment and tracking data to populate in real time across all systems. ShippingEasy appreciates the complexities of the physical environment and offers rules and automation to eliminate errors and minimize time spent shipping.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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