Solvang : 2nd Quarter report 2015


  • Strong VLGC marked throughout second quarter.
  • Earnings from shipping activities of NOK 35.6, up from NOK 33.7 million in second quarter 2014.
  • Earnings before tax of NOK 34.2 million, in line with second quarter 2014.
  • Solvang has bought the ship "Odin", a MGC of 38.000 cbm built in 2005. Solvang's share is 30%, and delivery will be in fourth quarter 2015. The ship will after delivery go directly into a contract.
  • Solvang has taken delivery of "Clipper Saturn" and "Clipper Venus", two Large Gas Carriers (LGC) from Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea.
  • 622 days without lost time incidents (LTI), and only 3 LTI in the last 7 years.

Complete report for 2nd Quarter 2015 is enclosed.

Stavanger 18th of August 2015
Solvang ASA

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


2nd quarter report 2015