USHCC Presidential Q&A to Include Donald Trump

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The following is a statement from the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce:

"As a nonpartisan business association, the USHCC has worked with various presidential candidates from both parties, including Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Martin O'Malley, Senator Bernie Sanders, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Governor John Kasich, Senator Marco Rubio and Governor Jeb Bush.
Following our private meeting with Donald Trump, the USHCC has continued to urge Mr. Trump's campaign to adopt our association's views on immigration, which uses a fact-based, economically-sound approach to what has often been a divisive, emotionally charged issue. We believe immigration reform is an economic imperative, necessary for the continued well-being of our nation.
In that spirit, as we've done with other candidates, we've asked Mr. Trump to explain his views to our members on a wide array of issues, which includes the economy, small business, jobs, American competitiveness, and the importance of passing sensible immigration reform.

While we still strongly disagree with Mr. Trump on various issues, we want our members and the community at large to form their own opinions following the Q &A. Our ultimate objective is to continue to impress upon Mr. Trump, and all candidates, the concerns of our constituents, and to promote policies that afford all Hispanics the dignity and opportunity to attain the American dream.
As it pertains to immigration specifically, our objective is to refocus the national debate on immigration toward the more positive narrative that our community has been advancing for years, long before the 2016 election cycle.
We will continue this important national dialogue with Mr. Trump at our upcoming Presidential Candidate Q &A session on October 8th in Washington, DC."



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