Nomination Committee for Scandi Standard 2015/2016

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) on 21 May 2015 resolved to
adopt an Instruction for the Nomination Committee containing, among other, a
procedure for appointment of the committee members and the committee’s task (see
the AGM minutes at

The Nomination Committee, appointed pursuant to the Instruction for the
Nomination Committee, consists of:

 1. Per Olof Nyman (Lantmännen Kycklinginvest AB and Chairman of the Nomination
 2. Seamus FitzPatrick (CapVest Associates LLP)
 3. Hans Hedström (Carnegie Fonder)
 4. Per Harkjaer (Chairman of the Board of Directors)

The Nomination Committee also prepares the following proposals to the AGM:

  · Election of directors of the board, chairman at the AGM and auditor, and
  · Remuneration to non-employee directors of the board elected by the AGM and
to the auditor.

The AGM will be held in Stockholm on 25 April 2016.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee are
welcome to do so by submitting them in due time before the AGM 2016 to ensure
that the proposals can be considered by the Nomination Committee. The Nomination
Committee’s proposals are publicly announced no later than on the date of
notification of the AGM.

Proposals should be sent either to:

  ·, or
  · Scandi Standard AB
The Nomination Committee
c/o Group General Counsel
P.O. Box 30174
SE-104 25 Stockholm

