Source: Parker Pain Relief Clinic

Parker Pain Relief Clinic Now Offering Class IV Therapy Laser

PARKER, Colo., Dec. 06, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Parker Pain Relief Clinic announced that the practice is now offering a Class IV therapy laser for treating chronic pain conditions including neck pain, elbow pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, lower back pain and knee pain. The Class IV therapy laser may help a variety of pain conditions including osteoarthritis, heel pain, Achilles tendonitis, tennis/golfer’s elbow, cervical strain/sprain, headaches and rotator cuff strains, says Parker Colorado chiropractor Dr. Anthony Paolucci. The chiropractor is encouraging individuals with chronic pain to schedule an informational appointment with Parker Pain Relief Clinic to find out if they are good candidates for cold laser therapy.

Parker CO cold laser therapy is a new, non-invasive, drug-free pain management option that is now available at the Parker Pain Relief Clinic. Chiropractor Dr. Anthony Paolucci says his practice has had significant success treating patients with chronic pain using this treatment option in conjunction with complementary chiropractic adjustments.

Laser therapy uses light energy to trigger a biochemical and biological response in the targeted tissue. This energy stimulates cellular metabolism, helping cells repair damage faster after an injury and reduce inflammation, says Dr. Paolucci.

“At our clinic, we use laser therapy in conjunction with other best practice chiropractic techniques to provide safe, effective, drug-free pain management solutions,” said Dr. Paolucci. “Cold laser therapy has helped relieve pain associated with migraines, neck pain, sciatica, knee pain, muscle strains, ligament sprain, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, plantar fasciitis and myofascial trigger points.”

Dr. Paolucci says that in addition to pain relief, cold laser therapy is also beneficial for reducing inflammation, promoting wound healing and repairing soft tissue injuries.

“Cold laser therapy is completely safe and effective after an injury or for chronic pain,” said Dr. Paolucci. “In fact, for some patients, receiving cold laser therapy treatment may even help them avoid risky surgery and eliminate the need to take medication to manage pain.”

The Parker, Colorado chiropractor is encouraging individuals who suffer from chronic pain to learn more about alternative treatment options, including cold laser therapy, rather than relying on medication.

“While drugs can provide immediate pain relief after a severe injury, medication should be for temporary use only, not day-to-day pain management,” said Dr. Paolucci. “Prescription painkillers work by numbing the brain’s ability to perceive pain. They do not treat the actual underlying problem, which can lead to worsening pain and a dependence on these drugs. Cold laser therapy is an effective option for treating pain without the need for medication.”

Dr. Paolucci says individuals who have pacemakers, are pregnant, or undergoing radiation therapy may not be good candidates for cold laser therapy. He recommends a full diagnostic exam before receiving treatment.

Parker Pain Relief Clinic provides comprehensive chiropractic services for Aspen patients, including chiropractic adjustments and laser healing therapy. For more information, visit or call 720-851-0600.