Terms of reorganization of LESTO AB and public limited liability company Lietuvos Dujos and other information is considered to be equivalent to prospectus Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB

LESTO AB, identification code 302577612, registered office placed at Aguonų str. 26, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total number of registered ordinary shares issued by company is 603 944 593; ISIN code LT0000128449.  

We hereby inform that on 14 December 2015 the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania recognized  the Terms of Reorganization of LESTO AB (hereinafter - LESTO) and public limited liability company Lietuvos Dujos (hereinafter – Lietuvos Dujos) and other published information as being equivalent to information to be disclosed in the prospectus of Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB.

More information about reorganization of LESTO and Lietuvos Dujos is given on internet sites of the companies http://www.lesto.lt/ and http://www.lietuvosdujos.lt.

Please see the documents approved by the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania by clicking on the links below:

This notice is deemed non-confidential.



         Representative for Public Relations Martynas Burba, Tel. No (8~5) 251 4516.


Terms of reorganisation part2.pdf Terms of reorganisation part3.pdf ESO presentation for investors.pdf Terms of reorganisation part1.pdf LB sprendimas del laikymo prospektui lygiaverte informacija.pdf