Resolutions concluded by the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of Arctic Paper S.A. on 21st December 2015

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. („the Company”) provides for public
information, as attached, the contents of resolutions concluded by the
Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting on 21st December 2015 („ESM”) (including
changes of the Company’s Articles of Association). There were no objections to
any of the resolutions of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting. The
Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting did not refrain from considering any of the
items of scheduled agenda.


 1. Resolutions concluded by the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of Arctic
Paper S.A. on 21stDecember 2015 – attachment no. 1
 2. Hitherto wording of joint stock company Arctic Paper Spółka Akcyjna Articles
of Association together with approved amendments – attachment no. 2
For additional information, please contact:

Wolfgang Lübbert, President of the Management Board of Arctic Paper, tel.
49 405 148 5310

This information is disclosed pursuant to Regulation of the Minister of Finance
on current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities and
conditions of recognizing information required by law of a non-EU state as
equivalent § 38 section 1 items 7, 8 and 9, and was submitted for publication on
21 December 2015 at 5:00 pm CET, in reference to Arctic Paper’s current report
no. 16/2015 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange

