RowdMap, Inc. CSO Joins Former Principal Deputy Administrator of CMS and CMO of Optum Labs to Translate Value of Public Data to Health Plans, Risk-Bearing Providers

Joshua Rosenthal, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at RowdMap, Inc., joins Jonathan Blum, EVP at CareFirst Blue Cross and Former Principal Deputy Administrator of CMS, and Paul Wallace, MD, CMO at Optum Labs and Former Medical Director of Kaiser Permanente to translate the value of public data to health plans at Health Datapalooza 2016.

WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 30, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Joshua Rosenthal, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at RowdMap, Inc., joins Jonathan Blum, Former Principal Deputy Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and Paul Wallace, MD, Chief Medical of Optum Labs to translate the value of public health data to health plans at Health Datapalooza. The three all serve on the Steering Committee of Health Datapalooza: They have all been named as Co-chairs of the Payor Track, which is responsible for translating the value of public health data to health plans and other risk-bearing organizations such as providers in pay for value programs of risk arrangements:

Health Datapalooza is the marquis event dedicated to liberating public health data and helping the health care system use it to create and deliver reduced costs, improved clinical outcomes and better patient and member experiences. The event, founded in 2010 by the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine and the Department of Health and Human Services is now run by AcademyHealth, the leading national organization serving the fields of health services and policy research.

The 2016 Health Datapalooza event is specifically focused on the value that public health data creates for consumers, international communities, life sciences, health plans and providers. For health plans and providers, public government data informs and improves core operational functions and brings new opportunities for strategy and innovation, potentially disrupting and disintermediating legacy models and operations.

Public health data highlighted by Health Datapalooza is actively used by leading health plans and providers across the country in diverse operations such as projecting costs and risk of populations without claims data; profiling provider performance and no-value care from individual physicians to groups, systems, hospitals and post acute facilitates; and evaluating the operational, clinical and member experience of health plans. Public health data has specific advantages in providing national benchmarks that allow payers and providers to understand their own performance in a geographic, regional and national context as well as their peers and competition within a market.

The public government data is particularly rich, and especially value, in government programs such as Pay for Value models such as Accountable Care Organizations, Bundled Payments and Capitation, as well as programs including Medicare, Medicaid and Exchange or Marketplace products and services. These are the programs where changing medical economic models are creating the most disruption and transformation of both payers and providers and where the benchmark data is most useful from ensuring success in the transition. As payment models change from Fee for Service to Pay for Value, health plans and providers looking to take and share risk are particularly well-served with the data from these government programs to inform the strategy and tactics in making this shift.

For example, public data allows benchmarking geographies and providers to identify practice variation that is unwarranted and driven by legacy economic arrangements, effectively allowing all parties to see their own performance and their competition's in order to determine and achieve success in pay for value and risk arrangements. RowdMap, Inc. uses public data for these purposes with payers and providers in 42 states covering over 75MM members and as a result has won the Ernst and Young EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® and has been featured by the Department of Health and Human Services for success in using this public data to help payers and providers achieve success in this transformation:

Because of the extraordinary value public data provides in these areas, and the marked need of risk-bearing entities to use government benchmark data to succeed with changing medical economic models, Health Datapalooza is creating content with strategy, tactics and tips specifically designed for payers, health plans and risk-bearing providers. In naming Jonathan Blum, Joshua Rosenthal and Paul Wallace as the Co-chairs responsible to this work, Health Datapalooza has created a rich and diverse pool of expertise ranging from policy, to strategy and operations, to clinical and research.

"Essentially this is Health Datapalooza taking the next step to ensure that plans and risk-bearing providers succeed. This data serving policy, market value and public and social good. It's and honor to serve with Jon and Paul, two of the leading innovators in the policy and application of helping both payers and providers use new data to achieve success in a changing economic landscape" said Joshua Rosenthal, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at RowdMap, Inc.

Those interested in learning more are encouraged to contact RowdMap, Inc. directly or visit RowdMap, Inc. at

About RowdMap, Inc.:

An Ernst and Young EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® winner, RowdMap helps health plans, government payers, providers, and hospital systems develop Risk-Readiness® strategies to excel as they transition from fee-for- service to pay-for value. As CMS sunsets fee-for-service payments, RowdMap's Risk-Readiness® Platform helps payers and providers identify and manage unwarranted and unexpected variation. RowdMap identifies ideal provider arrangements based on provider practice patterns and population characteristics within a geography. Payers and providers then use RowdMap to build strategies around these new risk relationships. RowdMap helps them enter new markets, segment populations, identify waste, design products, and understand referral patterns. RowdMap's platform comes preloaded with government benchmarks out of the box no IT integration required. RowdMap's Risk-Readiness® Platform works across all market segments and has significantly larger returns than traditional, medical economic approaches.

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