The VisionCenter of West Texas Provides Vision Therapy for Pediatric Patients

LUBBOCK, Texas, Jan. 03, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the largest provider of pediatric vision therapy in Lubbock, Texas, the doctors at The VisionCenter of West Texas believe that pediatric eye care and vision therapy are critically important in addressing learning problems in young children. Comprehensive pediatric eye exams tests do more than simply test vision; these exams can uncover serious problems with how a child's eyes work together. When the eyes do not track objects or team appropriate, young children can exhibit profound problems in academic work since this type of work relies on the eyes working properly. These skills enable a student to learn to read properly, have good hand-eye coordination and become a successful student and athlete.

According to Dr. Nolan C. Riley of The VisionCenter of West Texas, eye problems are often misunderstood in young children. "Parents will bring their children in for an eye exam if they are complaining that they cannot see the chalkboard, but they do not always think of us when the child is performing poorly academically. So much of school work is dependent upon the student's eyes working as a team to read and process the information they are taking in. When the eyes are not perfectly teamed, then academic work becomes a struggle. Vision therapy works to address that problem. While we recommend parents bring their children in for regular eye exams, if the child is exhibiting signs of eye strain, stress, or academic problems, parents should consult us earlier without waiting for their regular exam appointment. The earlier a problem can be addressed, the better it is for the child."

Dr. Riley urges his patients to think of vision therapy for the eyes as they would physical therapy for the body. "Vision therapy is essentially a specialized sequence of therapy procedures that are carefully monitored by our doctors. These exercises and procedures are designed to improve specific visual skills that are critical to visual processing such as eye alignment, focusing, tracking and teaming.  We utilize many different therapeutic devices including prisms and computer aided programs to accomplish our goals."

In office therapy is often paired with at-home exercises. These exercises create a repetitive pattern in the brain until it becomes automatic. Then, when the skill is needed in real life, the brain's response will be automatic and the child will not have to make a conscious effort to get his eyes working together.

To make an appointment or inquire about vision therapy services, contact The VisionCenter of West Texas at 806-793-1927 during regular office hours. The office is located at 3104 Indiana Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79410. The office is open from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday, and from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM on Fridays.


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