SPP Pension & Försäkring AB (publ) changes interest rate curve used in calculations for life insurance provisions

28 January 2016, 7 p.m.
SPP Pension & Försäkring AB (publ) has changed the interest rate curve used in
calculations for life insurance provisions to one similar to the interest rate
curve used in the pan-European Solvency II regulation. The expected negative
accounting effect of the changed interest rate curve, combined with other
assumption changes, is approximately SEK 300m.

The change better adapts risk management to the Solvency II regulation.

It is expected that indexation fees will not be recognized in the coming years
as a result of the changed interest rate curve.

For further information please contact:

Head of Communication Åsa Wallenberg

+46 8 451 71 83


Vice President Capital Management Storebrand Lars Kramer

+47 900 68 287


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according to the Securities Market Act.