Interim Report Fourth Quarter 2015

Fourth Quarter 2015

Continuing operations

  · Order intake 19,531 million SEK
  · Invoiced sales 20,940 million SEK
  · Operating profit 770 million SEK
  · Operating margin 3.7%
  · Adjusted operating profit 2,315 million SEK
  · Adjusted operating margin 11.1%
  · Profit after financial items 266 million SEK
  · Earnings per share -0.12 SEK

Discontinued operations

  · Order intake 745 million SEK
  · Invoiced sales 1,058 million SEK
  · Operating profit 16 million SEK

Group Total

  · Order intake 20,275 million SEK
  · Invoiced sales 21,998 million SEK
  · Operating profit 786 million SEK
  · Adjusted operating profit 2,331 million SEK
  · Earnings per share -0.11 SEK

Proposed dividend

  · Proposed dividend for 2015: 2.5 SEK per share

Additional information may be obtained from Sandvik Investor Relations, tel +46
8 456 14 94 (Ann-Sofie Nordh), +46 8 456 11 94 (Anna Vilogorac) or e-mailing

A presentation and teleconference will be held on 3 February 2016 at 10:00 CET.
Information is available at (http://file:///C:/Users/ds81365/AppData/Local/Temp/notesDC16

Stockholm, 3 February 2016

Sandvik Aktiebolag (publ)

Björn Rosengren

President and CEO

Sandvik discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities
Market Act. The information is submitted for publication on 3 February 2016 at
08:00 CET.

Sandvik Group
Sandvik is a high-tech and global engineering group offering advanced products
and services that enhance customer productivity, profitability and safety. We
hold world-leading positions in selected areas – tools for metal cutting,
equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless
materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as
process systems. In 2014, the Group had about 47,000 employees and sales of
about 89 billion SEK in more than 150 countries.

