Villers-lès-Nancy, 11 February 2016 - 18:00 (CET)
2015 turnover: €113.5 million, up 7.1%* on the prior year.
In millions of euros 2015 2014 Change Restated change*
Q1 27.04 28.82 -6.2% +5.3%
Q2 29.13 29.49 -1.2% +3.8%
Q3 25.60 27.35 -6.4% +6.3%
Q4 31.70 28.90 +9.7%   +12.7%
Turnover in 2015 113.47 114.56 -0.9% +7.1%
*Turnover restated for the "Communication Services" business
The PHARMAGEST Group's consolidated unaudited turnover in 2015 amounted to €113.47 million, a slight fall of 0.9% from the previous year, but an increase of 7.1% when restated for the "Communication Services" business (this low-margin activity was wound down at the end of 2014). Note the strong performance in the second half with growth of 1.9% that means a growth of 9.8% when restated for the "Communication Services" business.
Our business in 2015:
The strategy executed by the PHARMAGEST Group for several years came into its own in 2015 and helped to position the Group as a significant player in the connected health market. 
In a time of profound change for the healthcare system, PHARMAGEST has the capability to respond to the challenges of the connected health market drawing on its complementary range of expertise: development of expert predictive systems (artificial intelligence - Diatelic), monitoring changes in patient health, monitoring treatment compliance and increasing the overall safety of medication using connected objects (DO-Pill SecuR(TM) and the Kapelse range), and ensuring the secure processing and confidentiality of personal health data through its Datacenter and the hosting of health data (HHD) accreditations granted in 2012 by the French Minister of Social Affairs and Health.
Note: To sharpen the focus on this strategy and our activities as a whole and in the interests of better legibility, the PHARMAGEST Group renamed its businesses and created four Divisions structured into business lines:
- Solutions for Pharmacy Division - Europe: the Group's historical business grew turnover 1.1% in full-year 2015 to €98.66 million. More specifically, business rose 3.2% in Q4 2015 alone, with growth driven by recurring sales of +6.9%. 
The Solutions for Pharmacy Division - Europe accounted for 87% of Group turnover in 2015.
- The Solutions for sanitary and medico-social establishments Division posted a strong performance in 2015 with 21.9% growth, 30.8% of which was in the fourth quarter. 
The Division accounted for 6.1% of the PHARMAGEST Group's full-year turnover.
- Solutions for e-Health Division: restated for the "Communication Services" business, turnover totalled €6.42 million at 31 December 2015, compared with €2.73 million in 2014. The Division doubled its sales in Q4 2015.
Solutions for e-Health Division contributed 5.7% of the PHARMAGEST Group's total turnover in 2015.
- The newly created FinTech Division accounted for 1.3% of total Group turnover. Note that this contribution to the Group's sales was generated in the second half of 2015 (€1.5 million in H2 2015), which augurs well for the outlook in 2016.
The PHARMAGEST Group's outlook is positive, based on:
· Recognition of its recent activities in e-Health (a number of experimental projects in which the Group participates are entering the operational stage in 2016, specifically "Additional 36 Months At Home", e-Chronic / e-Nephro, and PAERPA (Elderly at risk of losing their independence)). The Solutions for e-Health Division is now profitable;
· The favourable context for the Solutions for sanitary and medico-social establishments Division, which will see it maintain strong organic growth and recurring sales;
· The new services, features and technologies offered by the Solutions for Pharmacy Division - Europe to its pharmacist customers, designed to help them in their new advisory role and to integrate them seamlessly as part of this new patient-centred approach.
The PHARMAGEST Group anticipates an increase in profitability, based on the change in the structure of the PHARMAGEST Group's turnover, despite the impact of winding down "Communication Services".
The Group will continue to keep a close eye out for acquisition opportunities in innovative technologies that will enable it to develop new products or services to enhance the profitability of pharmacies and/or the efficiency of health systems.
Financial calendar:
Publication of 2015 results and presentation meeting in Paris on 4 April 2016
About the PHARMAGEST Group:
The PHARMAGEST Group is the French leader in pharmacy information technology, with a 43.5% share of the market and over 800 employees. The strategy of the PHARMAGEST Group is based on a core business - innovating in information technology to improve healthcare - and on the development of two priority focuses: services and technologies for healthcare professionals, notably support for pharmacists in monitoring patient compliance; and technology for improving the efficacy of healthcare systems.
To roll out that strategy, the PHARMAGEST Group has developed specialised businesses, including pharmacy IT, e-Health solutions, solutions for healthcare professionals, solutions for laboratories, connected health devices and apps, and a sales financing marketplace.
These businesses are divided into 4 Divisions: the Solutions for Pharmacy Division - Europe, the Solutions for Sanitary and Medico-Social Establishments Division, the Solutions for e-Health Division, and the FinTech Division. 
Listed on Euronext Paris(TM) - Compartment B
Indices: ENTERNEXT TECH 40, CAC ® SMALL and CAC ® All-Tradable by inclusion
Eligible for the Long-Only Deferred Settlement Service (SRD)
ISIN: FR0012882389 - Reuters: PHA.PA - Bloomberg: PMGI FP
PHARMAGEST shares are eligible for France's Equity Savings Plan intended to finance SMEs (PEA-PME)
For all the latest news, go to 
Analyst and Investor Relations: 
Chief Administrative and Financial Officer: Jean-Yves SAMSON
Tel. +33 (0)3 83 15 90 67 -
Press Relations: 
Tel. +33 (0)1 39 97 61 22 -


Pharmagest - 2015 Turnover