Year-end report 2015

Gothenburg, Sweden – Collector AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: COLL)
Full year 2015 (compared with full year 2014)

  · Total income increased by 30 %, amounting to SEK 1,187 m (916)
  · Profit after tax (EAT) increased by 52 %, amounting to SEK 286 m (188)
  · Return on equity (RoE) was 21 % (23)
  · Earnings per share increased to SEK 3.16 (2.35)
  · Payment solutions, Property finance and Personal loans experienced the
strongest growth
  · Strong growth with increased quality in the credit portfolio, SEK 8,697 m
(5,649) +54 %
  · Positive development in credit losses, 1.3 % (1.4)
  · The Collector share (“COLL”) was listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap list
in June 2015
  · Collector received its banking licence in May 2015
  · The Board of Directors proposes that no dividends be paid for 2015,
which is in line with the adopted dividend policy

The fourth quarter of 2015 (compared with the fourth quarter of 2014)

  · Total income increased by 20 %, amounting to SEK 330 m (275). Adjusted
because of refined method of period allocation the growth in the fourth quarter
would be approximately 27 %
  · Profit after tax (EAT) increased by 52 %, amounting to SEK 91 m (60)
  · Earnings per share increased to SEK 0.98 (0.70)
  · A factoring agreement was concluded with Valora International AG. A credit
of SEK 800 m,
corresponding to an invoice volume of approximately SEK 5,000 m

Significant events after the end of the period

  · A fully subscribed issue of SEK 500 million within the certificate programme
  · Property finance was established in Finland

Presentations to investors, analysts and media

A live webcast/telephone conference will be held on 11 February at 12.00 noon
(CET) at Operaterassen in Stockholm, where Stefan Alexandersson, CEO, and Pia
-Lena Olofsson, CFO, will present the report. The presentation will be given in
English and webcast live at To participate in the telephone
conference, please call +46 8 566 426 63.

Find out more at

For more information, please contact:
Stefan Alexandersson, CEO Collector I Phone +46 70 607 38 87 I Mail
Clara Bolinder Lundberg, IR Manager Collector I Phone +46 707 19 84 43 I Mail

Readers are reminded that the original financial report, signed by the Board of
Directors, is in Swedish. This is a translation of the Swedish financial report.

This information is published in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market
Act, the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the regulations of
Nasdaq Stockholm. The information was submitted for publication at February 11,
2016 at 08.15. Nasdaq Stockholm: Ticker COLL

