Destia Group Plc


12.2.2016 at 9.00 (CET +1)

Destia corrects the financial statements bulletin 2015 sent out 11.2.2016 at
14:30 as follows: in the first paragraph of “Proposal by the Board on the use of
distributable assets”, the Destia Group Plc’s FAS-compliant loss EUR
was corrected as profit EUR 3,051,660.32.

Corrected release and report can be found below.

Destia’s financial statements bulletin 2015


Revenue increased by 7.2% to MEUR 462.8 (431.5).

The operating profit was MEUR 12.9 (15.1).

The development of working capital was good in the last quarter of the year,
which positively affected the development of cash flow.

The order book at the end of the year was strong at 14.2% higher than the
previous year, standing at MEUR 717.4 (628.2). The return on investment was 9.4%
(9.2%) while the equity ratio stood at 31.2% (29.4%).

Occupational safety was at the best level ever. The new year-level record low
for accident frequency, i.e. the number of accidents resulting in absence, was
7.6 (9.3) accidents per one million working hours.

The sales of Destia’s measuring, drilling and laboratory services to Mitta Oy
was concluded on 31 December 2015.

The MEUR 65 bond released to institutional investors by Destia Group Plc on 19
June 2014 was listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange maintained by Nasdaq
Helsinki Oy on 17 June 2015.

Destia’s revenue for 2016 is expected to grow, and operating profit is expected
to fall short of the previous year.

Group                       Destia   Destia   Destia   Destia   Destia subgroup
                            Group    Group    Group    Group
Key figures (IFRS), MEUR    10       10       1-12/20  7-12/20  1-12/2014
                            -12/201  -12/201  15       14
                            5        4

Revenue                     130.9    125.5    462.8    261.8    431.5
Operating profit            5.0      3.1      12.9     12.5     15.1
% of revenue                3.8      2.5      2.8      4.8      3.5
Result for the period       3.1      2.1      6.7      5.5      10.5
% of revenue                2.4      1.7      1.5      2.1      2.4
Return on investment, %                       9.4      9.2      20.9
Earnings per share, EUR                       56.14    53.77
Equity ratio, %                               31.2     29.4     34.3
Net gearing, %                                32.6     42.4     -41.2
Average personnel                             1 505    1 502    1 502
Occupational accidents                        7.6      9.3      9.3
resulting in absence from
Order book at the end of                      717.4    628.2    628.2
review period

*) Occupational accidents
per one million working

The financial statements bulletin is based on the audited financial statements
for 2015.

President & CEO Hannu Leinonen comments on the financial year:

“There was moderate success for Destia in 2015 despite a tough operating
environment. As a result of the poor Finnish economy, demand in the
infrastructure sector remained on rather a low level, which was evident in the
fierce competition for projects. In spite of the challenging market situation,
our revenue and order book increased. Our operating profit fell slightly short
of the previous year. During the early part of the year, individual unsuccessful
projects weakened our result in comparison with the previous year.

In the final quarter of the year, we concluded a transaction by which we
divested our measurement, drilling and laboratory services in order to clarify
our business portfolio. The sale of these businesses strengthened our balance
sheet and created better conditions for developing and growing our core

In order to achieve our strategic objectives, during the year we continued to
invest strongly in personnel development. Particularly we focused on expertise,
customer work and occupational safety. I am happy that our accident frequency is
at a record low: 7.6 occupational accidents per one million working hours. The
improvement of occupational safety has also been evident in good feedback that
we have received from customers and industrial safety authorities.

In the year just ended, we signed a significant agreement on the apron expansion
contract at Helsinki Airport. For us the project is the first to be completed
under the alliance model. The project is carried out in an especially demanding
work environment, allowing us to make extensive use of our infrastructure
expertise. The focal areas of our growth strategy are railway construction and
maintenance as well as rock and energy-infrastructure construction, which are
areas where we succeeded in strengthening our position during the year. In the
railway business, we have achieved a major intermediate goal, as half of
Finland’s railway network maintenance contracts are carried out by Destia.

In recent years, we have strongly invested in the development and digitalisation
of our operations. In 2015, we initiated and advanced several development
projects through which we are creating a base for our profitable growth. One of
our most significant development projects is the Voima project, by which we are
boosting our operations and improving our competitiveness by streamlining,
digitalising and automating our processes. In 2016, we will proceed to the
commissioning of a data system that supports operations.

The year gone by was the first whole year under private ownership. Our owner has
supported us strongly in the implementation of our strategy and in the forward
development of the company. Our single-minded work for the benefit of profitable
growth continues.”

Outlook for 2016

The operating environment for the infrastructure field and the whole
construction sector remains challenging and competition for projects continues
to be tough. Demand for projects, however, will remain moderate owing to several
large private sector projects and to extra funding announced by the State for
infrastructure projects, fundamental road maintenance and a reduction in the
repair backlog.

Together with the development of customer and sales work, the order book
provides a good basis for 2016. At the beginning of the year, the margin content
of the order book did not contain contract-related compensation opportunities,
for which reason the order book margin is lower than the previous year. The
order book coupled with the measures that have been taken towards improving
customer work and project management provide a solid foundation for maintaining
good profitability and cash flow.

Market guidance for 2016

Destia’s revenue for 2016 is expected to grow, and operating profit is expected
to fall short of the previous year.

Proposal by the Board on the use of distributable assets

Destia Group Plc’s FAS-compliant profit for the financial year was EUR
3,051,660.32, which is proposed to be recorded on the profits and losses
account. Destia Group Plc’s distributable assets total EUR 35,884,803.10,
including the EUR 38,000,000 in the invested unrestricted equity fund.

Destia Group Plc’s Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting
that no dividend or repayment of capital be paid for the financial period that
ended on 31 December 2015.

Vantaa, 11 February 2016

Destia Group Plc Board of Directors

This is a summary of Destia’s financial statements bulletin 2015. The complete
financial statements bulletin with tables is attached to this release and
available at

More information

Destia’s President and CEO Hannu Leinonen, tel. +358 20 444 4000 and CFO Pirkko
Salminen, tel. +358 50 302 2485

Financial reporting

Destia will publish its annual report for 2015, including the financial
statements and a report on corporate governance, on 3 March 2016.

DISTRIBUTION: Nasdaq Helsinki Oy Key media

Destia: Destia is a Finnish infrastructure and construction service company. We
build, maintain and design traffic routes, railways, industrial and traffic
environments as well as complete living environments. In 2015 the company’s
revenue was over MEUR 460. With 1 400 dedicated experts we build the bigger
picture, piece by piece.

