Nasdaq Baltic investor calendar - week 7/2016

Riga, Latvia, 2016-02-15 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

Date Event Shortname Issuer Market
Public offering INR1L INVL Baltic Real Estate VLN
15.02.2016 Initial listing/admission LVGB000019A Valsts Kase / Treasury of Latvia RIG
15.02.2016 Activity results, 12 months ESO1L Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius VLN
15.02.2016 Activity results, 12 months LNR1L Lietuvos energijos gamyba VLN
15.02.2016 Government securities auction LTGCB21021A
Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybė VLN
15.02.2016 Coupon payment date MOKBFLOT20A Moda Kapitāls AS RIG
16.02.2016 Trading holiday     VLN
17.02.2016 Maturity date ABLV019716B ABLV Bank RIG
17.02.2016 Maturity date ABLV019716A ABLV Bank RIG
17.02.2016 Coupon payment date ABLV019716B ABLV Bank RIG
17.02.2016 Coupon payment date ABLV019716A ABLV Bank RIG

For more information please visit full investor calendar:


Nasdaq Baltic
Issuer Services
+370 525 31462 (Vilnius)
+371 672 12431 (Riga)
+372 640 8800 (Tallinn) 

Nasdaq Baltic is a common name for exchanges, regulated markets, alternative markets First North operated by Nasdaq companies in the Baltic states, i.e. Nasdaq Tallinn AS, Nasdaq Riga AS and AB Nasdaq Vilnius.