Østjydsk Bank A/S - Observation status removed

Østjydsk Bank A/S - Observation status removed

Nasdaq Copenhagen has removed the observation status of the company below:

ISIN                             Name

DK0010017607          Østjydsk Bank

Østjydsk Bank A/S' observation status is removed, as substantial uncertainty regarding the company or the pricing of the securities admitted to trading no longer exists, ie rule 2.8 vii in Rules for issuers of shares.

According to rule 2.8 in Rules for issuers of shares the exchange may decide to place a company’s shares or other securities in the observation segment.

For further information, please see the announcement published by the company on 25 February 2016.

For further information, please contact: Pernille Gram, Surveillance, tel. 0045 33 93 33 66



Østjydsk Bank tilbageført Obs-list - 25. februar 2016 DKUK.pdf