Destia Group Plc


17.3.2016 at 14.00 (CET +1)

Resolutions of Destia Group Plc’s Annual General Meeting

On 17 March 2016, Destia Group Plc’s Annual General Meeting adopted the
company’s Annual accounts and consolidated financial statements for 2015 and
granted the members of the Board of Directors as well as the President and CEO
discharge from liability.

The General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors’
proposal, that no dividend or repayment of capital be paid for the financial
year ended on 31 December 2015.

Board membership and remuneration

Destia Group’s Annual General Meeting of 17 March 2016 resolved that the number
of Board members is seven. Arto Räty was re-elected Chairman of the Board.
Marcus Ahlström, Jacob af Forselles, Matti Mantere and Tero Telaranta will
continue as Board members. Hans Sohlström and Sebastian Burmeister were elected
as new Board members. Hans Sohlström is the CEO and President and Sebastian
Burmeister is the CFO of Ahlström Capital Oy. All members elected to the Board
of Directors have agreed to accept their positions.

The Annual General Meeting resolved that the Chairman is paid a monthly
remuneration fee EUR 3,300, the Deputy Chairman EUR 1,800 and the members EUR
1,500 per month. A meeting remuneration fee EUR 600 per board meeting will also
be paid to each participant. No remuneration will be paid to representatives of
the Company’s shareholder.

Election of the auditor and audit fee

The General Meeting elected the firm of auditors KPMG Oy Ab as the company's
auditor. The auditor with principal responsibility is Virpi Halonen (Authorized
Public Accountant). The audit fee will be paid as invoiced and approved.

Corporate Communications

Further information: Hannu Leinonen, President and CEO, tel. + 358 20 444 4000

Nasdaq Helsinki Oy
Key media

Destia: Destia is a Finnish infrastructure and construction service company. We
build, maintain and design traffic routes, railways, industrial and traffic
environments as well as complete living environments. In 2015 the company’s
revenue was over MEUR 460. With 1,500 dedicated experts we build the bigger
picture, piece by piece.