Kronfågel AB has signed a lease contract outside Kristianstad and evaluates establishing production of chilled chicken

Scandi Standard’s Swedish subsidiary Kronfågel AB has signed a lease contract in
Karpalund, 7 km Northwest of Kristianstad and evaluates whether to invest in the
facility in order to reach an annual capacity of 20 million chickens in the
first phase. Kronfågel intend to slaughter, cut and produce value-added chicken
products in the facility.
Demand for chilled chicken in Sweden is strong and the market growth within
retail was estimated at 15% in value in 2015. Kronfågel increased sales by 18%
during the same year. Scandi Standard has a long term target to grow in line
with or higher than the underlying market growth over time. Scandi Standard’s
subsidiary Kronfågel has during the last four years increased volumes from 36 to
50 million slaughtered chickens.

As a consequence of this growth Kronfågel has signed a long term lease contract
of an industrial facility in Karpalund and evaluates whether to invest in the
facility to reach an annual capacity of 20 million chickens to start with. The
company believes that a manufacturing site in this part of Sweden would make
economic sense as well as reducing environmental impact and improving animal
welfare further through shorter transports. An investment in Karpalund would
also create growth opportunities for chicken breeders in the South of Sweden.

Kronfågel currently have a production facility in Valla, close to Katrineholm
where 50 million chickens are being slaughtered annually by more than 650

Further information
Leif Bergvall-Hansen, Chief Executive Officer: +45 22 10 05 44
Magnus Lagergren, Managing Director Kronfågel AB: +46 702555235
Jenny Fridh, Head of Communications: +46 730 27 70 18

Scandi Standard is the largest producer of chicken-based food products in the
Nordic region with leading positions in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The company
produces, markets and sells chilled and frozen products under the brands
Kronfågel, Danpo, Den Stolte Hane, Vestfold Fugl, Ivars, and Chicky World, as
well as to private labels. In Norway, eggs are also packed and sold under the
brand Den Stolte Hane and to private labels. For more information, see

