Press release

OF MAY 12, 2016

Paris, on April 7, 2016 - The 2015 Registration document has been filed with the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) on April 7, 2016. It is available to the public in accordance with applicable laws and can be downloaded on Nexans website ( and on the AMF website (

This Registration Document includes the annual financial report 2015, the Chairman's report in accordance with the article L.225-37 paragraph 6 of the French Commercial Code, on corporate governance and on internal control and risk management procedures together with the statutory Auditors' reports and the information related to their fees.

The Mixed Shareholders' Meeting will be held on Thursday May 12, 2016 at 2.30 p.m., at Palais des Congrès, Auditorium Havane (2, place de la Porte Maillot, Paris 17th).

The notice of this meeting was published on March 30, 2016 on the official journal (Bulletin des Annonces Légales et Obligatoires). It includes the draft agenda and draft resolutions as well as the conditions for participating and voting at the Meeting. This notice is available online on the website

A detailed presentation of the resolutions submitted to the shareholders is provided in the Report of the Board of Directors, available at the same Internet section.

The other documents and information related to this Shareholders' Meeting will be made available to shareholders in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Financial calendar

May 3, 2016:     2016 First-Quarter Financial Information
May 12, 2016:   Annual Shareholders' Meeting
July 28, 2016:   2016 First-Half Results

About Nexans

Nexans brings energy to life through an extensive range of cables and cabling solutions that deliver increased performance for our customers worldwide. Nexans' teams are committed to a partnership approach that supports customers in four main business areas: Power transmission and distribution (submarine and land), Energy resources (Oil & Gas, Mining and Renewables), Transportation (Road, Rail, Air, Sea) and Building (Commercial, Residential and Data Centers).. Nexans' strategy is founded on continuous innovation in products, solutions and services, employee development, customer training and the introduction of safe, low-environmental-impact industrial processes.
In 2013, Nexans became the first cable player to create a Foundation to introduce sustained initiatives for access to energy for disadvantaged communities worldwide.
Nexans is an active member of Europacable, the European Association of Wire & Cable Manufacturers, and a signatory of the Europacable Industry Charter. The Charter expresses its members' commitment to the principles and objectives of developing ethical, sustainable and high-quality cables.
We have an industrial presence in 40 countries and commercial activities worldwide, employing close to 26,000 people and generating sales in 2015 of 6.2 billion euros. Nexans is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris, compartment A.

Contacts :

Press                                                                        Investor relations
Angéline Afanoukoe                                                   Michel Gédéon
Tel.: +33 (0)1 73 23 84 12                                           Tel.: +33 (0)1 73 23 85 31                     


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