Collector reinforces its position as a digital innovator

Gothenburg, Sweden – Collector AB (publ.) (Nasdaq Stockholm: COLL). Collector is
establishing a new company, Collector Ventures KB, jointly with NFT Ventures.
Collector’s cooperation with NFT shall focus on investments in FinTech
companies. The purpose is to develop new digital products and technology
solutions, mostly for banking operations.
Collector currently cooperates with a number of FinTech companies. To enable
continued high innovative power, Collector shall now invest, jointly with NFT,
in a number of companies with financial and digital focus.

“This is yet another way for Collector to evolve into the leading digital niche
bank in the Nordic region. By taking on ownership and participating in the
development of new FinTech companies, we increase our ability to offer our
customers the best and most cutting-edge solutions. NFT creates the conditions
needed for Collector to invest in documented and evaluated FinTech companies and
develop our own products.” Stefan Alexandersson, CEO, Collector.

NFT is a leading Venture Capital company within FinTech in Northern Europe,
which has invested in 17 companies to date.

“At NFT, we view Collector as a very exciting and inspiring partner. Collector
has taken up a clear position as a leader within digital innovation, seeing the
growth opportunities within the next generation of bank services. Together, we
create the right conditions for identifying and developing new and exciting
FinTech companies in Northern Europe.” Johan Lundberg, CEO, NFT Ventures.

For further information, please contact:
Stefan Alexandersson, CEO, Collector I Phone +46 70 607 38 87 I Email
Åsa Hillsten Eklund, CMO I Phone +46 70 081 81 17 I Email

Johan Lundberg, CEO, NFT Ventures I Phone +46 73 988 04 22 I Email
Marie Tjeder, PR & Communication, NFT Ventures I Phone +46 706 79 60 13 I Email

This information is published pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act, the
Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act or the rules and regulations of Nasdaq
Stockholm. The information was submitted for publication on 7 April 2016 at 8.15
a.m. Stock exchange: Ticker symbol COLL

