Consortium Including Heijmans Granted Provisional Contract Award for Amsterdam Court House

Heijmans is part of the New Amsterdam Court House (NACH) consortium that will be implementing the Amsterdam Court House Project. The Central Government Real Estate Agency (Rijksvastgoedbedrijf) has provisionally selected the consortium for this Public Private Partnership (PPP). Following contract award, Heijmans will be given a share in the construction and operation of the court house. The value of the DBFMO project is € 235 million (including a 30-year management and maintenance contract). Final contract award is expected to occur on 10 May 2016. 

A special purpose company will be created for the implementation of the project with Macquarie Capital as the sole shareholder. Heijmans, together with Facilicom, will form a combination that will design, construct and operate the court house.

Demolition work for the construction of the new court house along the Zuidas in Amsterdam is expected to commence at the beginning of 2017. The court house is expected to be occupied in November 2020. The 30-year operating period will commence once the building has been occupied.

NACH Consortium
The NACH consortium is a partnership between Macquarie Capital, Heijmans, Facilicom, ABT, DVP, KAAN Architecten, BiUM and Bouwbedrijf M.J. de Nijs & Zonen. The consortium has appointed Macquarie Capital Europe Limited as Financial Advisor.

About Heijmans
Heijmans is a listed company that combines activities related to property development, residential building, non-residential building, roads and civil engineering in the working areas living, working and connecting. Heijmans is active in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany and as a technology partners delivers know-how and concepts in various markets. Our constant focus on quality improvements, innovation and integrated solutions enables us to generate added value for our clients. Heijmans realises projects for private consumers, companies and public sector bodies. With over 6,500 employees and almost € 2.0 billion in revenues in 2015, we are building the spatial contours of tomorrow. You will find additional information on

For more information:


Mandy Snijders

+31 73 543 52 17


Guido Peters

+31 73 543 52 17 


Press release