Q1 2016 SALES

Accelerated growth in France and Latin America

  • In France, good performance with +2.9% growth on organic basis and +1.5% on a same-store basis
    • Géant Casino: +4.0%(1) of growth (same-store and organic) with positive non-food sales and continuous gains in market share
    • Leader Price: continuous growth at +7.2% on organic basis and +4.5% on a same-store basis, with gains in market share
    • Performance of the Group's other banners in line with Q4 2015
  • In Latin America, food sales up +8.3% on organic basis with a positive inflexion in Brazil (up +5.7% in Q4 2015)
    • Exito (excluding Brazil): continuous accelerating growth with good performance in all countries
    • GPA Food: net improvement in activity, with organic growth of +7.8%
    • Via Varejo: more moderate downturn in sales
  • E-commerce: growth of gross merchandise volume (GMV) of +4.2% at constant exchange rates(2)


BY SECTOR Q4 2015/Q4 2014 change Q1 2016/Q1 2015 change  
in €m Q4
Same-store growth Q1
Same-store growth  
France Retail 4,942 +1.5% +2.7% +1.4% 4,548 +2.8% +2.9% +1.5%  
Latam Retail 3,705 -14.6% +5.7% +1.3% 3,338 -13.7% +8.3% +3.7%  
Latam Electronics 1,286 -36.1% -14.8% -15.2% 1,090 -34.6% -12.7% -11.8%  
E-commerce 873 -20.1% -7.8% -7.8% 731 -18.8% -8.3% -8.3%  
TOTAL GROUP 10,807 -12.3% -0.2% -2.5% 9,707 -10.6% +1.5% -0.7%  

In Q1 2016, taking into account the Thailand sale that took place on March 21st, and that of Vietnam, which is currently in negotiation, the Asia segment as a whole is recognised under "discontinued activities". Consolidated sales have thus been retroactively restated at 1st January 2015 to exclude these activities for all the periods presented.

As of Q1 2016, sales were 9.7 billion euros, up +1.5% on an organic basis. They were affected by a negative foreign exchange effect of -14.3% and by a positive scope effect of +0.9%.

NB: Organic and same-store changes exclude petrol and calendar effects
(1) Excluding business primarily from Codim (4 hypermarkets) in Corsica
(2) GMV (gross merchandise volume): sales volume including tax, figures provided by the subsidiary


  • France Retail

Q4 2015/Q4 2014 change
Q1 2016/Q1 2015 change
BY BANNER Q4 2015 Total growth Organic growth Same-store growth Q1
Total growth Organic growth Same-store growth
Hypermarkets(1) 1,258 +0.3% +2.7% +2.8% 1,083 +2.9% +3.8% +3.8%
 of which Géant Casino 1,187 +0.5% +3.0% +3.0% 1,022 +2.9% +4.0% +4.0%
Leader Price 673 +4.7% +7.5% +3.0% 632 +6.2% +7.2% +4.5%
Monoprix 1,127 +3.0% +2.8% +0.1% 1,050 +3.3% +2.3% -0.4%
SM Casino 797 -1.4% -0.4% 0.0% 753 +1.6% +1.9% +0.2%
Franprix 423 -3.7% -2.5% +0.1% 403 -3.5% -2.9% +0.1%
& Other(2)
664 +5.0% +4.7% +2.4% 628 +4.2% +3.9% +1.1%
 o/w Convenience 335 +7.1% +5.9% +6.1% 342 +4.9% +4.2% +2.3%
FRANCE RETAIL 4,942 +1.5% +2.7% +1.4% 4,548 +2.8% +2.9% +1.5%

In France total sales were €4,548m, up +2.9% on an organic basis and +1.5% on a same-store basis in Q1 2016. Traffic was up +0.8%. Market share in France rose +0.1 pt over the last Kantar P03 period.

·       At Géant Casino, whose sales continue to grow at +4.0% on a same-store basis, non-food sales are now positive and up +1.8% on a same-store basis. The banner continues to gain market share: up +0.2pt over the last Kantar P03 period.

·       Leader Price posted steady sales growth of +7.2% on an organic basis and +4.5% on a same-store basis. The franchise development is growing steadily (191 stores transferred in total since Q2 2015). The banner posted an increase in market share: +0.1pt over the last Kantar P03 period.

·       Monoprix posted strong performance with organic sales up +2.3%, boosted by dynamic expansion (gross opening of 80 stores since Q2 2015). Food sales were virtually stable over the quarter, and performance satisfactory for Household and Leisure on a same-store basis.

·       Same-store sales at Supermarchés Casino are positive. Traffic was up, driven by the new loyalty programme and the success of promotional operations. Organic growth was boosted by the opening of 5 new integrated stores and the affiliation of 6 new franchises since Q2 2015.

·       Sales at Franprix are positive on a same-store basis with a sequential improvement in traffic. Organic and published sales are still affected by the stores disposal requested by the French Competition Authority, transfers to other banners and franchises (in total 60 stores were transferred to franchises since Q2 2015).

·       Same-store figures for Proximity now include a majority of Leader Price Express stores more than one year old. Total growth is being driven by strong performance by franchises, with the opening of 306 stores since Q2 2015.

(1) Including Géant Casino and mainly the business of the four Codim stores in Corsica
(2) Other: mainly Vindémia and Cafeterias

  • Latam Retail      

       Food sales in Latin America are up compared to the previous quarter, +8.3% on an organic basis and +3.7% on a same-store basis (vs +5.7% and +1.3% respectively in Q4 2015).

·       Growth at Exito Group (excluding the effect of consolidating GPA's sales) was still accelerating in Q1 2016, driven by Colombia, as well as Uruguay and Argentina.

Exito will publish its Q1 figures in full on 25 April 2016.

·       Food sales in Brazil (GPA Food) improvement was marked, up +7.8% on an organic basis and +2.2% on a same-store basis. Assaí continues to enjoy very good performances with sales up +36.2% on an organic basis, driven by same-store sales and very dynamic expansion. Traffic is up on Q4 2015. Multivarejo posted stronger sales at Pão de Açúcar and at its convenience formats, with gains in market share. Extra began posting stronger sales under the first effects of its relaunched sales policy and renovations.

GPA provided a detailed report on its Q1 sales on 12 April 2016.

  • Latam Electronics

The decline in sales at Via Varejo slowed in Q1 2016 (-11.8% vs -15.2% in Q4 2015 on a same-store basis) due to more competitive prices and more effective promotions. The banner is continuing its closures of underperforming stores. In addition, Via Varejo is further innovating by deploying "mobile stores" and renewing its furniture line.

Via Varejo provided a detailed report on its Q1 sales on 12 April 2016.

Total sales in Latin America were hit by a strong negative currency effect. 

  • E-commerce

Cnova's gross merchandise volume (GMV) totalled €1,138m, up +4.2% at constant exchange rates, driven by Cdiscount's activity. In France, Cdiscount's GMV rose +18.3% with sales up +15.3%(1). Market share in France(2) rose 1.5 points in February 2016. Growth in the marketplaces remains high and their share of GMV reached 24.2% in Q1 2016 vs 16.7% in Q1 2015.

Cnova provided a detailed report on its Q1 sales on 13 April 2016.

E-COMMERCE (CNOVA) Q1 2015 Q1 2016 Growth
at constant exchange rates
GMV(3) including tax 1,222.0 1,137.9 -6.9% +4.2%
Traffic (visits in millions) 422.8 492.8 +16.6%  
Active customers(4) (in millions) 14.2 14.6 +3.0%  
Units sold (in millions) 15.7 16.5 +5.3%  

(1) Figures provided by the subsidiary
(2) Technical goods market in France, source GFK
(3) GMV (gross merchandise volume): sales volume including tax, figures provided by the subsidiary
(4) Active customers at 31 March who made at least one purchase on our websites in the last 12 months 



Details and sales trends in Q1 2016

Organic growth is growth at constant scope of consolidation and exchange rates, excluding petrol and calendar effect, unless otherwise mentioned.

Main changes in the scope of consolidation

  • Full consolidation of Disco at 1 January 2015
  • Restatement of activity in Asia

Exchange rates

average exchange rates Q1 2015 Q1 2012 Currency effect
Argentina (EUR/ARS) 9.74466 15.95312 -38.9%
Uruguay (EUR/UYP) 27.86630 34.74340 -19.8%
Colombia (EUR/COP) (x 1000) 2.78160 3.58854 -22.5%
Brazil (EUR/BRL) 3.22363 4.30405 -25.1%

Period-end store network

FRANCE     30 Sept. 2015 31 Dec. 2015 31 March 2016
Géant Casino Hypermarkets     127 128 129
 o/w French Affiliates     7 7 7
 International Affiliates     10 11 12
SM Casino     440 441 445
 o/w French Franchised Affiliates     60 60 64
 International Franchised Affiliates     33 33 33
Monoprix     656 698 709
 o/w Franchises/Affiliates     188 197 200
Naturalia     107 126 133
Naturalia franchises     3 3 4
Franprix     857 867 851
 o/w Franchises     322 350 366
Leader Price     836 810 790
 o/w Franchises     173 263 339
Total Supermarkets and Discount     2,789 2,816 2,795
Convenience     6,956 6,916 6,899
Other businesses (Cafeterias, Drive.) etc.)     620 621 646
Indian Ocean     135 146 149
TOTAL France     10,627 10,627 10,618
INTERNATIONAL     30 Sept. 2015 31 Dec. 2015 31 March 2016
ARGENTINA     27 27 27
Libertad Hypermarkets     15 15 15
Mini Libertad mini-supermarkets     12 12 12
URUGUAY     61 65 66
Géant Hypermarkets     2 2 2
Disco Supermarkets     29 29 29
Devoto Supermarkets     24 24 24
Devoto Express mini-supermarkets     6 10 11
BRAZIL     2,164 2,181 2,126
Extra Hypermarkets     137 137 137
Pao de Açucar Supermarkets     184 185 185
Extra Supermarkets     199 199 194
Assai (discount)     88 95 96
Mini Mercado Extra mini-supermarkets     301 311 301
Casas Bahia     715 760 745
Ponto Frio     301 254 233
Drugstores     157 157 157
+ Service stations     82 83 78
COLOMBIA     1,567 1,668 1,632
Exito Hypermarkets     81 85 85
Exito and Carulla Supermarkets     153 163 163
Super Inter Supermarkets     58 58 58
Surtimax (discount)     1,169 1,248 1,214
o/w "Aliados"     1,019 1,095 1,062
Exito Express and Carulla Express mini-supermarkets supermarkets     105 113 111
Other     1 1 1
TOTAL International     3,819 3,941 3,851


Régine Gaggioli - Tel: +33(0)1 53 65 64 17
+33(0)1 53 65 24 17


Aziza Bouster
Tel: +33(0)1 53 65 24 78
Mob: +33(0)6 08 54 28 75




This press release was prepared solely for information purposes, and should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell securities or related financial instruments. Likewise, it does not provide and should not be treated as providing investment advice. It has no connection with the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any receiver. No representation or warranty, either express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained herein. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgement. All the opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.


2016-14-04 - PR - Q1 2016 Sales