First quarter report 2016

10 May 2016

  · Net sales increased by 6 percent to MSEK 1,386.3 (1,309.6), and by 8 percent
at constant exchange rates. Net sales rose by 6 percent in Sweden, while net
sales in local currency decreased by 6 percent in Denmark and increased by 32
percent in Norway. The increase in Norway was due to a recovery of the market
and new customer contracts.
  · Adjusted operating income* increased by 1 percent to MSEK 68.3 (67.6),
corresponding to a margin of 4.9 (5.2) percent.
  · Income for the period amounted to MSEK 42.4 (41.6) and earnings per share
were SEK 0.71 (0.69).
  · Adjusted operating cash flow* amounted to MSEK 36.7 (100.3).
  · At the end of the quarter, a majority shareholding was acquired in Sødams
Øko Fjerkræslagteri ApS, a Danish producer of organic and free-range chicken
with annual sales of approximately MDKK 18.

|MSEK                           |Q1 2016|Q1 2015|Change|    LTM|   2015|
|Net sales                      |1,386.3|1,309.6|    6%|5,499.7|5,422.9|
|Operating income               |   67.2|   67.6|   -1%|  259.0|  259.5|
|Income for the period          |   42.4|   41.6|    2%|  164.7|  163.9|
|EPS, SEK                       |   0.71|   0.69|    3%|   2.75|   2.73|
|Adjusted EBITDA*               |  115.1|  114.0|    1%|  478.4|  477.4|
|Adjusted operating income*     |   68.3|   67.6|    1%|  292.2|  291.5|
|Adjusted operating margin*     |   4.9%|   5.2%|     -|   5.3%|   5.4%|
|Adjusted income for the period*|   43.3|   41.6|    4%|  190.4|  188.7|
|Adjusted EPS*, SEK             |   0.73|   0.69|    5%|   3.18|   3.15|
|Adjusted operating cash flow*  |   36.7|  100.3|  -63%|  260.4|  324.1|

*) Adjusted for non-comparable items in Q1 2016 of MSEK -1.1 (-) in EBITDA and
operating income and MSEK -0.9 (-) in income for the period, for LTM of MSEK
-33.1 in EBITDA and operating income and MSEK –25.7 in income for the period,
and for the full year 2015 of MSEK –32.0 in EBITDA and operating income and MSEK
-24.8 in income for the period. See page 3.

CEO Statement

The year has started with strong growth in net sales driven by continued good
demand in Sweden and a recovery of the market in Norway. In Norway, we also
benefitted from new customer contracts. We had a particularly strong development
in chilled products with a growth of 16 percent at constant exchange rates. The
adjusted operating margin was somewhat lower than last year due to the
consolidation of the Finnish operation, which was effective as of the second
quarter last year. The adjusted margin for comparable units improved to 5.7

The Swedish operation showed a continued positive trend in both net sales and
adjusted operating income with a higher margin. This was achieved through
product innovation, an improved product mix and efficiency gains in production.
Our newly introduced products sold well including the ready-to-eat Minutkyckling
products that are produced in the new processing section in the Valla facility.
We also launched the first chicken bacon on the Nordic market. Chicken bacon
contains substantially less fat than traditional bacon and still has great
taste. As a result of the cancellation of the acquisition of Lagerbergs in
Sweden and the need for further capacity to meet the demand in the Swedish
market, we have signed a long-term lease contract for an industrial facility
close to Kristianstad in the south of Sweden. We are now evaluating to invest in
this facility to reach an annual capacity of 20 million chickens in the first

The market in Denmark continued to be very competitive with price pressure both
locally and on exports. Net sales and the adjusted operating income for the
Danish operation declined, and the margin was lower than last year. At the end
of the quarter, we acquired a majority shareholding in Sødams Øko
Fjerkræslagteri in Denmark, a producer of organic and free-range chicken with
annual sales of approximately MDKK 18. The acquisition is in line with our
strategy to broaden the product portfolio and expand our presence in the premium
segment of the Danish market.

Net sales for the Norwegian operation increased substantially as a result of
strong growth in market demand compared to a weak first quarter last year. The
retail market for chilled chicken products grew by approximately 22 percent in
value in the quarter. We also benefitted from increased volumes to Coop Norway
and the start of deliveries to Norgesgruppen. Adjusted operating income rose
substantially, although from a low level, and the margin improved.

As expected, capacity utilization in the Finnish facility was low in the
quarter. We have signed additional contracts for the supply of birds and will be
able to increase volumes during 2016.

To summarize, we continued to deliver on our strategy, i.e. to achieve organic
growth in line with our vision to inspire the Nordic consumers to eat chicken
once more per week, to improve operational efficiency and to strengthen the
Group through acquisitions.

Leif Bergvall Hansen
Managing Director and CEO

Further information
For further information, please contact:

Leif Bergvall Hansen, Chief Executive Officer     Tel:  +45 22 10 05 44
Tobias Wastensson, Head of Group Finance     Tel:  +46 10 456 14 86
Patrik Linzenbold, Investor Relations     Tel:  +46 708 25 26 30

Financial calendar

  · Interim report for the second quarter 2016: 24 August 2016
  · Interim report for the third quarter 2016: 3 November 2016

This interim report comprises information which Scandi Standard is required to
disclose under the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments
Trading Act. It was released for publication at 07:30 CET on 10 may 2016.

