Resolutions at Lifco’s Annual General Meeting 2016

At the Annual General Meeting of Lifco AB held on 12 May 2016, the following was


Election of Board of Directors

Carl Bennet, Gabriel Danielsson, Ulrika Dellby, Erik Gabrielson, Ulf Grunander,
Fredrik Karlsson, Johan Stern and Axel Wachtmeister were re-elected as members
of the Board. Annika Espander Jansson was elected new member of the Board. Carl
Bennet was re-elected Chairman of the Board.

Fees to the Board of Directors

It was resolved that remuneration to the Board of Directors shall amount to a
total of SEK 5,175,000, excluding remuneration for Committee work, of which SEK
1,150,000 to the Chairman and SEK 575,000 to each of the other Board members
elected by the Meeting who are not employees of Lifco Group. In addition hereto,
the Meeting resolved that work in the Audit Committee shall be compensated with
SEK 168,000 to the Chairman and SEK 84,000 to each of the other members, while
work in the Remuneration Committee shall be compensated with SEK 126,000 to the
Chairman and SEK 63,000 to each of the other members.

Election of auditors

The registered public accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected
auditor of the company for a term of one year. PricewaterhouseCoopers has
informed that Magnus Willfors will be the principal auditor and Martin Johansson
co-auditor. It was resolved that auditor fees shall be paid in accordance with
approved account.


In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors and the CEO, the
Annual General Meeting resolved to declare a dividend of SEK 3.00 per share. 16
May 2016 was determined as record date for dividend.

Guidelines for Remuneration to Senior Executives

The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board regarding
guidelines for remuneration to senior executives, which principally entail the
following. Remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment for senior
executives shall be based on market conditions and be competitive in all markets
where Lifco operates, to ensure that competent and skillful employees can be
attracted, motivated and retained. The total remuneration to senior executives
shall comprise basic salary, variable remuneration, pensions and other benefits.
The basic salary shall be based on the areas of responsibility and experience of
the individual executive. Basic salary and variable remuneration must be in
proportion to the responsibility and authority of the executive concerned. The
variable remuneration shall be connected to predetermined and measurable
criteria elaborated with the purpose to promote the long-term added value of the
Company. The Board shall retain the right to deviate from the guidelines if
motivated by particular reasons on an individual basis.

Divestments of the subsidiaries Proline Iceland EFT and Proline Relining SL

The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board regarding the
divestments of the shares in the subsidiaries Proline Iceland EFT and Proline
Relining SL to the minority shareholders.

The decisions can be read in full at

For more information please contact:

Åse Lindskog
Media and investor relations
Phone +46 730 244 872


About Lifco

Lifco acquires and develops market-leading niched operations with the potential
to deliver sustainable profit growth and strong cash flows. The Group has three
business areas: Dental, Demolition & Tools and Systems Solutions. Lifco has a
clear corporate philosophy which implies a long-term perspective, focus on
profits and a highly decentralized organization. Lifco has 133 companies in 28
countries. In 2015, the Group’s net sales amounted to SEK 7.9 billion, EBITA was
SEK 1.2 billion and the EBITA margin was 15.0%. For more information, visit

This information is made public 12 May 2016 at 06.45pm CET according to the
Securities Market Act, the Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the
regulations of Nasdaq Stockholm.

