Prof. Diane Simeone from University of Michigan Medical Center becomes latest appointment to Immunovia Scientific Advisory Board

Extensive expertise in clinical tumor management and tumor biomarkers, will help
accelerate pancreatic cancer diagnostic program
LUND, Sweden ― Immunovia announced today that Prof. Diane Simeone, Greenfield
Endowed Professor of Surgery and Physiology at the University of Michigan
Medical Center and the Director of the Pancreatic Cancer Center and a leading
authority on the management of solid and cystic pancreatic tumors, has joined
the company’s Scientific Advisory Board. This latest appointment is in line with
Immunovia´s strategy to deliver the first validated test for early diagnosis of
pancreatic cancer.

Dr. Simeone also directs the GI Oncology Program and the Translational Oncology
Program at University of Michigan. She has been the recipient of numerous NIH
grants (multiple R01s, U01, P50) investigating the biology of pancreatic
adenocarcinoma and the development of novel, more effective therapeutic
strategies to treat pancreatic cancer patients. She has served as President of
both the Society of University Surgeons and the American Pancreatic Association.
Dr. Simeone is the Chair-Elect of the National Scientific and Medical Advisory
Board for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network and serves as the U.S. lead on
the Precision Promise Project, focused on developing a new national pancreatic
cancer clinical trial infrastructure. She has served on the Board of Directors
for the National Pancreas Foundation and on the Lustgarten Foundation Scientific
Advisory Board, and is currently on the NCI Pancreatic Cancer Task Force. Dr.
Simeone is a member of the National Academy of Medicine.

 “We are delighted that Prof. Simeone has agreed to join Immunovia’s Scientific
Advisory Board. Her expertise in tumor management combined with her interest in
their molecular mechanisms and potential biomarkers are especially relevant to
our pancreatic cancer diagnostics program,” said Mats Grahn, CEO, Immunovia.

Prof. Simeone added: “To improve patient survival rates and patient management
during pancreas cancer which is one of the most deadly cancers, diagnosis as
early as possible is the key. Therefore, I am looking forward to working with
Immunovia´s test as it has the true potential to provide early diagnosis of
pancreatic cancer.”

For more information, please contact:

Mats Grahn

Chief Executive Officer, CEO, Immunovia

Tel.: +46-70-5320230


About Immunovia
Immunovia AB was founded in 2007 by investigators from the Department of
Immunotechnology at Lund University and CREATE Health, the Center for
Translational Cancer Research in Lund, Sweden. Immunovia’s strategy is to
decipher the wealth of information in blood and translate it into clinically
useful tools to diagnose complex diseases such as cancer, earlier and more
accurately than previously possible. Immunovia´s core technology platform,
IMMray™, is based on antibody biomarker microarray analysis. The company is now
performing clinical validation studies for the commercialization of IMMray™
PanCan-d that could be the first blood based test for early diagnosis of
pancreatic cancer. In the beginning of 2016, the company started a program
focused on autoimmune diseases diagnosis, prognosis and therapy monitoring. The
first test from this program, IMMray™ SLE-d, is a biomarker signature derived
for differential diagnosis of lupus, now undergoing evaluation and validation.

Immunovia’s shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm and
Wildeco is the company’s Certified Adviser. For more information, please visit

About Pancreatic Cancer
 Pancreatic Cancer is one of the most deadly and difficult to detect cancers, as
the signs and symptoms are diffuse and similar to other diseases. There are more
than 40,000 deaths and over 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year in the U.S.
alone, and the five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is currently 4-6%.
It is predicted to become the second leading cause of cancer death by 2020.
However, because resection is more successful in stage I/II, can significantly
improve pancreatic cancer patients’ 5-year survival rates from 4-6% to
potentially 50-60%.


