Based on the power of attorney granted at the annual general meeting of
NattoPharma ASA ("NattoPharma" or "Company") on June 25, 2015, the Board of
Directors of NattoPharma has in board proceedings July 21st, 2016 approved a
share issue of 125 000 new shares, each with a face value of NOK 3 per share.

The share issue will be completed through issuance of new shares to strategic
partners, who have over the last two years provided, and will continue to
provide, valuable support for the buildup and continued development of
NattoPharma. The shares will be issued to the following persons/companies;

Name           Position /  Granted shares   Shares prior  Shares after
               Function                     to share      share issue
Katarzyna      Strategic                    0             100.000
Maresz         Partner     100.000
Complementary  Strategic                    0             25.000
Medicines      Partner     25.000

Price to be paid for each share is NOK 3 per share. The share issue is expected
to be completed within August 31st, 2016.

As a result, the share capital will be increased by NOK 375 000. After
completing the share issue announced 27thJune of NOK 915 000, which is still in
progress, and the above mentioned share issue, the Company’s new share capital
will be NOK 52 709 799 divided into 17 569 933 shares, each with a face value of
NOK 3.

* * *

For more information, please contact:

Frode Bohan, Chairman


Kjetil Ramsøy, Chief Financial Officer


This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

