IVISYS AB welcomes new CFO and other new staff members

Press release
15 August 2016

IVISYS AB (‘IVISYS) has throughout August been welcoming several new staff
members, including a new Chief Financial Officer (‘CFO’). The responsibilities
of the newly appointed CFO – Vagn Svinding - were previously covered by CEO
Jakob Kesje. Moreover, the engineering team has been strengthened by a new
vision engineer and the in-house capacity for constructing advanced mechanical
systems is boosted by the employment of an additional engineer.
IVISYS’ new CFO Vagn Svinding will strengthen the company with regards to
controlling, cash-management and reporting. Vagn Svinding brings many years of
experience with financial management to the company. The employment of a CFO
will allow CEO Jakob Kesje to focus even more on the commercial development of
the company.

The new vision engineer Dennis Lundtoft will join the software engineering team
and engineer Anders Olsen will help reduce the company’s dependence on external
suppliers with regards to system construction. The new staff members will
contribute to the overall further development of the company.

CEO Jakob Kesje’s comments

“The hiring of a dedicated CFO will allow me to focus even more on sales, where
our activity level is very high. Generally speaking, we hire new staff according
to our steadily growing demand. I am confident that each of these new employees
will show to be very valuable to our company,” comments CEO Jakob Kesje

Certified Adviser

Sedermera Fondkommission is IVISYS’ Certified Adviser.

For further information, please contact

Jakob Kesje, CEO IVISYS AB
Phone: +45 20 22 60 10
E-mail: jk@ivisys.com


IVISYS was formed on December 16th, 2014. IVISYS has developed a method for
automatic quality control that is suitable for both mass production with long
product series and smaller manufacturers with short product series. The company
provides independent vision system solutions for quality control and offers a
‘plug-and-play’ solution with easy installation in just a few hours. IVISYS
delivers complete solutions with cameras, lighting, hardware and software. The
product performs quality inspections at high speed and allows multiple control
points in a single inspection. This makes for much faster quality control.
IVISYS’ solutions are easily adapted to different products and product
variations. They do not require specific product positioning, while settings can
be easily adjusted by the customer’s staff.

This information is information that IVISYS AB is obliged to make public
pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for
publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 11:30
CET on 15 August 2016.