Immunovia Half-year report 2016

“Immunovia reached several important milestones in the first six months of 2016.
Good results were obtained in the American pancreas study that was carried out
in collabo­ration with Knight Cancer Institute. Presentations made at the key
global conferences concerning pancreatic cancer were very well received. A
specially strong Scientific Advisory Board has been recruited, and involvement
from the patient organization has increased. Furthermore, several significant
agreements were signed with important cancer centres.

The market introduction of IMMray™ PanCan –d, Immunovia’s diagnosis test for
early detection of pancreatic cancer, is expected to begin in 2017 and then
generate income from the hereditary risk groups in 2018. It is planned to start
pancreatic cancer tests for the diabetes group soon afterwards. In addition, it
will be possible to use the test for patients seeking help with vague symptoms
and where there is a need to swiftly rule out pancreatic cancer.

In the second half of 2016 Immunovia’s laboratory in Lund is expected to be
completed and subsequently accredited for ISO certification in 2017. CE
labelling of IMMray™ PanCan –d will be concluded in 2017. It will then be
possible to receive samples from all over Europe to establish early detection of
pancreatic cancer, with talks already being held with several prospective
customers, i.e. cancer centres and laboratories.

In mid-August Immunovia announced its intention to seek a listing on Nasdaq
Stockholm’s Main Market in 2017.”

Key Indicators

|Key   Indicators      |1 Jan-30 Jun 2016|1 Jan-30 Jun 2015|    2015     |
|(SEK 000 unless       |                 |                 |  Full year  |
|otherwise stated)     |                 |                 |             |
|Net   sales           |               66|               59|          205|
|Operating   earnings  |           -5 403|           -3 836|       -7 424|
|Earnings   before tax |           -5 298|           -3 807|       -7 384|
|Net earnings          |           -5 298|           -3 807|       -7 384|
|Earnings   per share  |            -0,38|            -0,34|        -0,65|
|before dilution       |                 |                 |             |
|(SEK/share)           |                 |                 |             |
|Earnings   per share  |            -0,36|            -0,33|        -0,62|
|after dilution        |                 |                 |             |
|(SEK/share)           |                 |                 |             |
|                      |                 |                 |             |
|                      |  30 Jun 2016    |  30 Jun 2015    |31   Dec 2015|
|Equity   ratio, %     |               93|               84|           92|
|Gearing   ratio, times|             0,07|             0,19|         0,09|

Immunovia is focused on fundamentally transforming diagnosis of complex forms of
cancer and autoimmune diseases. The antibody-based platform, IMMrayTM, is the
result of 15 years of research at CREATE Health – the Center for Translational
Cancer Research at Lund University, Sweden. IMMray™ is a technology platform for
the development of diagnostic tests and the company’s primary test, IMMray™
PanCan-d, is the first test in the world for early diagnosis of pancreatic

  ·  It is planned to launch IMMray™ PanCan-d on the American and European
markets with sales start in 2017 to out-of-pocket customers, with revenues
expected to begin in 2018. In coming years Immunovia will address a market that
in total is worth around SEK 30 billion.
  ·  Immunovia sees great potential in the development of tests for other
unsolved problems in cancer and autoimmune diseases via its IMMray™ platform.
The next focus area will be tests within SLE.

*No changes compared with the Financial Statement dated 24 February 2016.

For further information, please contact:
Mats Grahn, CEO, Immunovia AB
Phone: +46 (0) 70-532 02 30

About Immunovia
Immunovia AB was founded in 2007 by investigators from the Department of
Immunotechnology at Lund University and CREATE Health, the Center for
Translational Cancer Research in Lund, Sweden. Immunovia’s strategy is to
decipher the wealth of information in blood and translate it into clinically
useful tools to diagnose complex diseases such as cancer, earlier and more
accurately than previously possible. Immunovia´s core technology platform,
IMMray™, is based on antibody biomarker microarray analysis. The company is now
performing clinical validation studies for the commercialization of IMMray™
PanCan-d that could be the first blood based test for early diagnosis of
pancreatic cancer.  In the beginning of 2016, the company started a program
focused on autoimmune diseases diagnosis, prognosis and therapy monitoring. The
first test from this program, IMMray™ SLE-d, is a biomarker signature derived
for differential diagnosis of lupus, now undergoing evaluation and validation.

 Immunovia’s shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm and
Wildeco is the company’s Certified Adviser. For more information, please


