Direct Energie : 1st half-year 2016 results

Paris, 28 September 2016

1st half-year 2016 RESULTS

Strong growth in business and profitability

Revenue: €863.6M (+70.8%)
Current operating income: €43.8M (+93.0%)
Net income: €52.4M (x2.3)

On-going acquisition of a new 400 MW gas power plant Upward revision of annual targets

Today, Direct Energie's Board of Directors has approved the Group's consolidated accounts for the 1st half-year 2016 which were subject to a limited review by the Auditors. The performances over the period confirm the structural sales growth dynamic across all business segments, in a still-changing regulatory environment.

Improvement in sales results and profitability

in millions of euros H1 2016 H1 2015 Change
Revenue 863.6 505.7 +70.8%
Gross margin 107.1 78.4 +36.7%
Current operating income 43.8 22.7 +93.0%
Net income, Group share 52.4 23.2 X 2.3

The contribution by operational segments is detailed in section 2 of the Half-year financial report

After strong growth at the beginning of the year, the trend continued with the contribution from the second quarter amounting to €347.6M (+85% vs. Q2 2015), bringing half-year revenue to €863.6M. This significant 70.8% growth compared to the same half-year 2015 is mainly due to dynamic recruitment across all consumer segments, and in particular, the announced ramp-up of Major Accounts customers since 1st January 2016.

The Group acquired 376,000 customer sites in France over the half-year, compared to 229,000 for the same period in 2015 including:

  • 273,000 in the residential segment;
  • 18,000 in the professional segment;
  • 85,000 in the Major Accounts segment.

This brings the number of customer sites in the portfolio in France to 1,826,000 at end June compared to 1,591,000 at end December 2015.

Gross margin was €107.1M with a strong improvement compared to the 1st half-year 2015, under the combined effect of the increase in delivered volumes of energy and favourable supply conditions.

In addition to this organic growth, several regulatory changes took place during the half-year, with notably the one-year extension from October 2015 of the service provision contract with Enedis, and the signature of a new contract with GrdF stipulating the assumption by the distributor of historical unpaid transportation costs. These changes have generated a positive impact of €31.5M on the period.

Moreover, the arbitrations held as part of a storage reform project in France, combined with a recent decision by the administrative court, no longer allow the Group to consider that its long-term gas capacity reservation contracts from Belgium and the Netherlands are essential to complying with its gas supplier obligations in terms of supply security in France. The Group has, therefore, made a €33.0M provision for loss-making contracts for its contracts (non-cash impact). Revenue expected from the use of these capacities over their remaining useful life proves to be lower than the cost of their booking, with no prospect of release before term.

Overall, these different items generate an impact of -€1.5M on the half-year's current operating income.

Combined with sharp monitoring of operating expenses, current operating income amounts to €43.8M, up 93.0% compared to 1st half-year 2015, and significantly ahead of the 2016 full year targets. After taking into account tax income of €30.5M, net income amounts to €52.4M compared to €23.2M the previous year.

This performance does not take in account the implementation by public authorities of retroactive electricity tariff rulings following the cancellation by the French Council of State (Conseil d'Etat) of the two tariff decrees covering the period from August to October 2014 and November 2014 to July 2015. The Group anticipates a €14M positive impact for this second semester.

Strengthening of the financial structure and flexibility

€M   30/06/2016   31/12/2015
Non-current assets   174.7   145.5
Current assets   663.8   468.1
of which cash and cash equivalents   191.4   35.2
TOTAL ASSETS   838.5   613.6
Shareholders' Equity excluding fair value of hedging instruments   128.9   80.6
Fair value of hedging instruments   (87.5)   (110.0)
Shareholders' Equity   41.4   (29.4)
Non-current liabilities   222.5   224.5
Current liabilities   574.6   418.4

Given the growth in net income and the reduction in the negative impact of the fair value of hedging instruments, as a consequence of the physical delivery of underlying energy volumes, equity considerably improved to €41.4M at 30 June 2016 compared to (€29.4M) at the end of 2015.

The Group also considerably reduced its debt with net financial debt brought down to €53.8M compared to €147.9M at the end of December 2015. Restated for cash margin calls, net financial debt decreased to €20.7M at 30 June 2016 (€83M at the end of 2015).

Simultaneously, and to secure the financing for its growth, the Group continued to improve its financial flexibility with new financing facilities. At 30 June, the available unused credit lines amounted to €177M in addition to available cash of €190.2M.

On-going acquisition of a 400MW combined cycle gas turbine power plant in Belgium

Direct Energie announces the signature on 28 September of a sale and purchase agreement with the Italian group, Enel, for the acquisition of 100% of the share capital in its subsidiary Marcinelle Energie. The latter, dedicated to power production, owns and operates a combined cycle gas turbine power plant located in Charleroi, Belgium with around forty employees. Built in 2012 with Siemens-Ansaldo technology similar to that owned by Direct Energie in Bayet (Allier), the plant has installed capacity of around 400 MW.

The transaction amount, paid entirely in cash, is €36.5M, and remains subject to the usual price adjustments. In addition, an earn-out depending on the change in the electrical market structure in Belgium is foreseen. The transaction remains subject to the lifting of suspensive conditions (in particular, the authorisation from the competent Belgian authorities), and could be completed by the end of 2016.

After the acquisition of the Bayet plant at the end of 2015, this new transaction will take the Group's installed capacity to nearly 800 MW. Agreed on competitive terms, it also confirms the implementation of the announced vertical integration strategy with the reinforced presence of the Group upstream and downstream for better supply coverage of its customer portfolio. Beside, this transaction confirms the Group's ambitions on the Belgium market.

Upward revision of 2016 targets for growth and profitability

In view of the financial performance during the 1st half-year, the Group has adjusted its annual targets for the fiscal year 2016 upwards as follows:

  • Over 2 million customer sites in the portfolio;
  • Revenue over €1.5Bn at seasonal average temperatures;
  • Current operating income of around €85M at seasonal average temperatures.

Furthermore, the reach of a two million customer sites portfolio expected to be achieved by the end of year 2016,

Furthermore, given the commercial achievements expected in 2016, the Group will adjust accordingly its 2018 customer sites targets on the next annual results announcement.

Next publication:
Revenue for 3rd quarter 2016 on 8 November 2016 after the markets close

Publication: The Group's Half-year Financial Report is available on its internet site (

About Direct Energie
Third-largest French electricity and gas provider, the Direct Energie Group has already acquired and earned the trust of more than 1.8 million residential and professional customer sites in France and Belgium (under the Poweo brand). Integrated energy provider, Direct Energie is involved in generation, electricity and gas supply as well as the sale of energy services to its customers.
Direct Energie has based its success of over thirteen years on its technical expertise, its outstanding customer relations and its capacity for innovation.
In 2015, the Group generated consolidated revenue of just over €1 Bn and supplied 11.4 TWh of energy.
For more information, visit our website

Press contact:        
Image Sept                                                                                                     
Grégoire Lucas - - Tel + 33 (0)1 53 70 74 94
Marie Artzner - - Tel + 33 (0)1 53 70 74 31 or + 33 (0)6 75 74 31 73

CM CIC Market Solutions
Stéphanie Stahr - - Tel + 33 (0)1 53 48 80 57

Direct Energie
Mathieu Behar - - Tel +33 (0)6 12 48 85 85


In thousands of euros   30/06/2016   30/06/2015
Revenues excluding Energy Management   859 008   506 520
Energy Management Margin   4 557   (867)
Revenue from ordinary activities   863 565   505 653
Cost of sales   (756 490)   (427 281)
Gross margin   107 075   78 373
Personnel expenses   (17 167)   (13 631)
Other operational income and expenses   (31 506)   (31 308)
Depreciation and amortisation   (14 575)   (10 721)
Current operating income   43 826   22 713
Changes in fair value of Energy financial derivative instruments operational in nature   (16 781)   7 322
Disposals of non-current assets   (11)   (3 356)
Impairment of non-current assets   (112)   (550)
Operating income   26 923   26 129
Cost of net debt   (5 237)   (1 504)
Other financial income and expenses   (138)   2
Financial income/(loss)   (5 375)   (1 501)
Corporate income tax   30 533   (190)
Share of net income from companies accounted for by the equity method   332   (14)
Net income from continuing operations   52 414   24 424
Net income from discontinued operations   -   (1 236)
Net income   52 414   23 189
of which Net income, Group share   52 414   23 189
Earnings per share (in €)   1.28   0.57
Diluted earnings per share (in €)   1.21   0.55

Limited review by auditors


In thousands of euros   30/06/2016   31/12/2015
Intangible assets   44 182   40 949
Property, plant and equipment   46 345   47 661
Investments in associates   1 306   902
Non-current derivative financial instruments   7 918   8 494
Other non-current financial assets   1 146   1 458
Other non-current assets   5 759   5 279
Deferred tax assets   68 085   40 780
Non-current assets   174 741   145 522
Inventory   23 313   36 245
Trade receivables   321 604   220 596
Current derivative financial instruments   23 666   35 843
Other current financial assets   40 511   70 688
Other current assets   63 223   69 500
Cash and cash equivalents   191 436   35 230
Current assets   663 752   468 102
TOTAL ASSETS   838 492   613 624
Share Capital and share premiums   12 193   9 003
Retained earnings and profit or loss   116 751   71 717
Treasury shares   (52)   (88)
Other comprehensive income   (87 512)   (109 981)
Shareholders' Equity - Group share   41 380   (29 350)
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   41 380   (29 350)
Non-current provisions   33 041   5 051
Non-current derivative financial instruments   57 517   81 354
Other non-current financial liabilities   115 413   114 829
Other non-current liabilities   2 545   2 164
Deferred tax liabilities   13 941   21 130
Non-current liabilities   222 457   224 528
Current provisions   11 692   6 776
Trade payables   128 624   187 818
Current derivative financial instruments   89 246   83 851
Other current financial liabilities   134 951   69 113
Other current liabilities   210 143   70 887
Current liabilities   574 656   418 445

Limited review by auditors


    Share capital Share premiums Retained earnings and profit or loss Treasury shares Other comprehensive income   Total shareholders' equity
In thousands of euros   Changes in fair value Others  
Shareholders' equity at 31 December 2015   4 079 4 923 71 717 (88) (109 981) 0   (29 350)
Net income   - - 52 414 - - -   52 414
Other comprehensive income   - - - - 22 469 -   22 469
Comprehensive income   - - 52 414 - 22 469 -   74 883
Capital increase   - - - - - -   -
Exercise of options   43 3 148 - - - -   3 190
Options   - - 862 - - -   862
Treasury shares purchases/sales   - - - 36 - -   36
Dividend paid   - - (8 242) - - -   (8 242)
Shareholders' equity at 30 June 2016   4 122 8 071 116 751 (52) (87 512) 0   41 380

Limited review by auditors


In thousands of euros   30/06/2016   30/06/2015
Consolidated net income   52 414   23 189
Tax expenses/income   (30 533)   190
Financial income/(loss)   5 375   1 501
Income before taxes and financial expenses   27 255   24 880
Depreciation and amortisation   14 575   10 721
Impairment   112   550
Provisions   31 446   3 168
Expenses related to share-based payments   862   559
Change in deferred taxes with no income impact   (0)   (0)
Change in fair value of financial instruments   16 781   (8 848)
Other financial items with no cash impact   11   4 892
Share of income from affiliates   (332)   14
Items with no cash impact   63 456   11 055
Change in working capital requirement   (4 248)   (50 934)
Net cash flow from operating activities   86 463   (14 999)
Acquisition of fixed assets   (16 502)   (12 175)
Disposals of fixed assets   -   3
Change in deposits and guarantees   35 644   (3 457)
Change in financial assets   -   (164)
Net change in loans originated by the company   3 356   (604)
Net cash flows used in investment activities   22 497   (16 398)
Sums received from shareholders during capital increases   3 190   -
Treasury shares   36   27
Proceeds from borrowings   117 494   25 128
Repayment of borrowings   (60 870)   (533)
Interest paid   (2 975)   (1 139)
Interest received   657   355
Dividends paid   (8 242)   (6 118)
Net cash flows used in financing activities   49 291   17 721
Net change in cash and cash equivalents   158 250   (13 676)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents from discontinued operations   -   (28)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year   31 993   31 308
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year   190 243   17 605

Limited review by auditors


Direct Energie: 1st half-year 2016 results