Arion banki – Bank bill (ARION 171120) admitted to trading on 21 November 2016


Term Sheet
Issuer: Arion Bank hf.
Org. no: 581008-0150
Address: Borgartun 19,105 Reykjavík, Iceland
Bonds/bills: Bills
Symbol (Ticker) ARION 171120
ISIN code IS0000028041
CFI code D-Y-Z-U-X-R
Registered at ISD Yes
Amortization type One Payment on date of maturity
Country Iceland
Currency ISK
Date of admission to trading 21.11.2016
Order book ID 129124
Instrument subtype Corporate Bonds
Market OMX ICE DP Fixed Income
List population name OMX ICE Bank Bills
Denomination in CSD 20.000.000
Size limit
Total issued amount 560.000.000
Amount admitted to trading at this time 560.000.000
Issue date Monday, November 21, 2016
First ordinary installment date Monday, November 20, 2017
Total number of installments 1
Installment frequency N/A
Maturity date Monday, November 20, 2017
Interest rate No Interests
Floating interest rate N/A
Premium N/A
Simple/compound interest Simple
Day count convention Actual/360 (ICMA)
Interest from date N/A
First ordinary coupon date N/A
Coupon frequency N/A
Total number of coupon payments N/A
Indexed No
Name of index N/A
Daily index or monthly index NA
Base index value N/A
Index base date N/A
Dirty price / clean price N/A
Call option No
Put option No
Convertible No
Additional information None
Market making No Market making
Credit rating (rating agency, date) No Credit Rating
Securities depository Nadaq CSD Iceland
Coordinator – admission to trading Arion Bank hf.
If irregular cash flow, then how N/A
If payment date is a bank holiday, does payment include accrued interest for days missing until next business day? No